How to squat? Effective squats for different muscle groups

Today the sport - an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Even those who do not have time to constantly go to the gym, try to do simple exercises at home, the most popular of which is the squat. Despite its prevalence and popularity, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to crouch to get lessons from a real benefit. Today we will talk about the different options of sit-ups, how to perform them in order to achieve the desired results.

Contrary to popular belief that squats include a set of exercises, only men, the fair sex are also interested in them and want to know how to squat, to lose weight and become the owner of an ideal figure.

The basic layout exercises

Let's start with the fact that each version is made by a single scheme. They differ in the depth of the squat, the position of the legs and trunk. To begin, consider the general scheme to have an idea of ​​how to squat.

Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, facing forward or slightly spreading foot, depending on how you are used to squat in their daily lives. Back should be slightly bent, laid back shoulders. If you squat with a barbell, her grip should be 15-20 centimeters wider than shoulder width. Elbows should be directed not backward and downward. Lower back muscles must maintain the angle of inclination of the torso. This is the correct starting position to take if you want to master knowledge on the practice how to properly sit or squat.

How to squat? Effective squats for different muscle groups

To start, you need to exhale, gently holding his breath, and let down her thighs as if you sit in a chair. The trunk should be at the same time slightly tilted forward. Calf and thigh should remain in a vertical plane, knees - arranged parallel to the soles. Crouching, look only forward, falling to the position at which the hips are parallel to the floor. Hold for a second, and then gradually, without any jerks and jumps, climb, if you push off the floor, exhale after passed the most severe point. This is a general outline of how to properly squat suit everyone, even the most untrained people.

If you are a bodybuilder, you should put your feet on a slightly greater distance than the width of the shoulders. This will give additional balance and the ability to lift more weight on the load. In addition, from the knee and hip joints in this case it does not require great flexibility, but they will have to hold the torso angle. The most inner side of the thigh muscles will be involved in this process.

Put their feet closer together only in a crowded, if you have a well developed back muscles. Otherwise, when the squat muscles undergo powerful compression, hips pushed forward and be deprived of equilibrium back.

The position of the various parts of the body during exercise

To understand how to squat, it is necessary to know in what position should be every part of your body during exercise.

First, the opinion must be focused, should look exactly forward, and his head and neck to keep the perpendicular shoulders. This is very important because in this position the spine in the correct position, the body maintains a balance and, therefore, less likely to get injured. In addition, there is the inclusion of additional reflexes that control the spine. Looking up, you run the risk of losing your balance, if you look down, your chest is wrong takes a bend during exercise. It is strongly recommended that you avoid both of them, if you want to practice to understand how to squat. The back should be strictly straight, the shoulders should be given back, the lower back should be a natural curve. Remember that the phrase "straight back" does not mean that your torso should be in a strictly vertical position. If squats are performed with free weights, you should lean forward slightly. This will prevent loss of balance.

It should be borne in mind that the body always moves with his hips, moving the center of gravity of the body to the knees. The amplitude of motion determines the strength of the muscles inner thigh and lower back. The best option would be a continuous movement without any shocks, does not require the application too much effort in order to maintain balance.

Handling equipment and hand position

If you use a squat any sports equipment, you will be helpful to know how to squat with a barbell - the most common attribute, which is used to perform exercises. In this case, you need to remember about the correct position of the bar rod. An ideal place for its location - on the trapezius muscle, around the seventh vertebra. If the neck will be located above it, in addition to discomfort, it can harm the spine. In some cases it is necessary to wrap a towel around the neck. But we should not make it a layer of very thick (this is fraught with changes in center of gravity and complexity of maintaining balance during exercise). When the discomfort should be slightly reduced hand, the result will be a large area of ​​support and relief of pressure on the shoulders. If an athlete is holding on to the neck is too wide, in this case, it is not based on arms and shoulders, and the weight is concentrating on two points.

How to squat? Effective squats for different muscle groups

Anyone who wants to know how to squat with a barbell, it is useful to know that at what position should be in the hands. Firstly, in the successful fellow thumbs should be placed on top of all the others, and the grip has to be symmetric with respect to the spine. The most common mistakes that beginners make it apart of the hands towards the discs, as well as zakidyvanie them on the neck. Experts do not recommend at either one or the other - the neck with a high probability can crank, and the result will be falling and possible injury. The most optimal solution - to keep close to the center and guide the elbows down to expand the shoulders as much as possible.

Very often, beginners enclose something under the heels to raise them under the floor. This simplifies the process of maintaining balance, compensates for the lack of flexibility of joints and will solve the problem for those who can not do the exercises properly, but he wants to learn how to squat properly. Home to do it will not be so difficult, if you can not go to the gym. However, experienced athletes are advised not to get involved glides, as in this case, the knees bend more at the same depth of the squat, with the result that they go far ahead that still creates a risk of loss of balance.

On the speed of execution and proper breathing

Train to be a slow rhythm, especially for beginners. The main thing - to concentrate on in order to accurately perform all the technical requirements. It is strictly forbidden to make any jerking and bouncing all the more when lifting. To study all the equipment needed slow, flowing movements. Over time, the speed can be increased, but without fanaticism. First, you can lose your balance while squatting, and severe injury. This is especially true of the knee. Secondly, it is important to you as it is the quality rather than quantity, so it is important to know how to squat. To lose weight, you do not need to rely on speed, since it is necessary to inflate the athlete of muscle mass. To burn fat you need to do the exercise slowly. Breathing at the squat is also very important. Inhale should be about three-quarters of the maximum inhalation, hold your breath during a squat, stand up and exhale. This breathing technique allows the media to promote stabilization of the spine and torso, while the safe pumping more powerful muscles and burning fat. In addition, we should not forget that it is necessary to maintain the rhythm of breathing and in between squats.

Squats for women

How to squat? Effective squats for different muscle groups

At first glance, it may seem that sit-ups for both men and women alike. This is almost true, but with one significant amendment: women should not be deep squat because of two main reasons:

  • At low squat load on the knee joints increases greatly. It does not bring harm, but the cartilage and bone changes appearance. The result is dubious knees instead of the slender legs.
  • When you have a deep squat, the pressure on the pelvic organs, including the cervix increases. If you do 10-20 squats, it's not terrible, but always a wide range of motion contributes to varicose veins due to compression of the capillary vessels.

What are the exercises are most effective and how to squat, to lose weight, finding as a result of training the body of your dreams? Let's look at it.

The squat with a barbell on your shoulders

The purpose of this exercise - to build up strength and mass of the four heads of the quadriceps muscles. Also here involved the muscles of the waist and buttocks. This exercise - a good answer to the question of how to squat. For priests, however, it is not very effective, since the buttock and lumbar muscles work it is not enough to achieve the desired result. Perfect its performance is classic squats without any leaning forward with a perfectly straight back. However, practice shows that are only able to make it athletes of short stature. Despite this, you should try to minimize stooping body.

How to squat? Effective squats for different muscle groups

The squat "sumo"

This exercise provides a powerful basic operation of the entire group of muscles of the lower body. It is perfect for those who want to know how to squat. For buttocks, lumbar muscles, the inner part of the quadriceps is recommended to include in the set of his name, since at these squat take the biggest weight, the largest number of muscles involved in the work with a minimum load on the knees. However, here it is required well-trained muscles of the lower back. Therefore, protection for spine specialists recommend doing special exercises.

How to squat? Effective squats for different muscle groups

Partial squat (poluprised)

This kind of squat involves the exercise with more than normal weight load, while helping to reduce the load on the knee joints and lower back. It is identical to the movement in classical and squat "sumo", but it should be shallow to fall (by one-quarter or one-third, to a maximum of half of the range of motion).

How to squat? Effective squats for different muscle groups

Squatting "plie"

This activity is directed to effective training inner thighs. Usually, they are made in the event that your knees when performing presses down and the usual sit-ups come, which is a sign that the internal bundles quadriceps muscles are insufficiently developed and, therefore, there is need for such squats. It should be noted that the technique of their execution is complicated and requires good coordination. For this reason, the newcomers better to do sit-ups "plie", using Smith's simulator.

How to squat? Effective squats for different muscle groups

Squatting "sissy"

This exercise is designed to work out the lower part of the quadriceps in isolation from other muscles. The movement, which will do the leg extension is identical in the simulator sitting, so it fits perfectly into any exercise program for the development of the quadriceps. If you make a forced break in the classroom for any reason (vacation or business trip), it will be an excellent solution to the problem and will help to maintain itself in the form at the time, it was not yet possible to fully engage.

How to squat? Effective squats for different muscle groups

Squatting with chatter-rod

This type of squat is an excellent solution for all those who want to engage in this popular piece of exercise equipment, but does not know how to squat with a barbell. This exercise aims to strengthen the gluteal muscles and quadriceps. In addition, there is a development and trapezius muscles of the back.

It should be noted that the data do not squat too common, since they require the existence of a special chatter bar, but do not need any load frames and racks. Also, these sit-ups are recommended for those who can not use the classical technique due to problems with the spine. If the chatter bar you do not, it also does not matter. These squats are an excellent option of how to squat with dumbbells, because the bar without any loss can be replaced by them, just picking up during exercise - a combination deadlift and squat. Plus the fact that it does not put so much stress back muscles, allowing a perfectly straight back to perform squats.

How to squat? Effective squats for different muscle groups

In addition to these exercises, there is a myriad of others. They are executed with various sports equipment and using different simulators. Each of them is aimed at the elaboration of individual muscle groups. It is only necessary to understand what you need to do in order to receive from the employment and benefit, and enjoyment. It is necessary to learn how to squat properly. Girls who want to lose weight, do not get involved with deep squats fast, while the men who want to build muscle, it is necessary to give preference to them, as well as to include in its range of sit-ups with a power component. But no matter what goal you are not pursued, the most important thing - that it was achieved! This requires very little - to start practicing.