How to tighten the skin at home? Homemade face masks: reviews

How to tighten the skin at home? Homemade face masks: reviews

As we age, each woman faced with an issue like the saggy skin on the face, and it does not depend on whether you are thin or full. The facial skin may sag for several reasons: after weight loss, childbirth or due to age. Whatever the reason may be, it is necessary in any case to deal with it, to look your best. There are many different ways to tighten skin at home. About them today and we'll talk.


Body to be plastic and fit, you need to do physical exercises. How to tighten your face? Oddly enough, there are several exercises for the face. First you need to wash your hands well with soap and water. Then the person is necessary to stretch, you can even take a mirror and five minutes to wince any differently in front of him (wrinkled his nose, forehead and so on. D.). Now your face is ready for exercises. Take two thumbs and applying their nails to the canines. Now, straining his upper lip twenty times, then did the same from the bottom, but the thumbs are putting to the gums. This exercise helps to remove the nasolabial folds. In order to remove the sagging neck, it is necessary to lift the chin and pulling up, we can help hands to smooth the skin from the chin to the neck. The exercises are done twice a day, morning and evening.

How to tighten the skin at home? Homemade face masks: reviews


Every morning Wash your face with hot water first, then cold. So alternate several times, but do not just wet the face and rub his hands. Thereafter moisten the towel with hot water, squeeze, hold for a few minutes face, ice cubes then wipe the skin. Do not forget to 1-2 times a week use a scrub. To skin is not dried up from the water, also use a variety of creams and masks that you are fit, it is best if they are with a lifting effect.


Before going to bed, take five minutes of massage, making circular movements, smoothing the skin side. Once a week for fifteen minutes during a massage using honey. If there are painful, then stop the massage is not necessary. Honey gives the skin elasticity and shine.

How to tighten the skin at home? Homemade face masks: reviews


How to tighten the skin at home with the help of peeling, because it only cleans the skin? Yes, peeling cleanses the skin, but also tightens it because the old cells are removed and there are young. To make peeling at home, we need coffee beans and rice, they must be crushed using a blender or coffee grinder. To this mixture is added to natural yogurt, so we get a scrub. Natural scrub much better than those sold in stores. If you do not like it, then you can go to a beauty salon.


Masks - is one of the most effective tools in the fight against sagging skin. You can prepare your own mask at home, and you can buy them in the store. It will be recalled that the domestic face masks are more effective and useful because they do not contain chemicals.

How to tighten the skin at home? Homemade face masks: reviews

gelatin-based mask

Gelatin mask consists of proteins and collagen, they nourish and saturate our cells, giving them vitality, elasticity and youthfulness. The skin becomes saggy and wrinkled due to the fact that collagen becomes less. In order to return the former beauty, once a week is enough to make gelatine mask. It can not be compared even with expensive cosmetics, because the molecules penetrate deep into the skin and not just remain on the surface. Gelatin is used everywhere, not only for facials, as well as in the food, make a mask for the hair, it is very useful for its properties. Any gelatin mask done so. Gelatine is dissolved in cold water (in a proportion of 1 to 6). First it infused in half an hour, then warmed slightly on low heat to dissolve all lumps. Gelatin does not contain any dyes.

Recipes masks

1. Easy homemade facial mask. In this recipe, gelatin is not filled with cold water and warm milk or fresh juice from any fruit, vegetable. It is necessary to allow the mixture to cool, but make sure that it is not frozen. With a cotton swab or a soft brush to put on the face, after fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizing cream, but not nourishing, otherwise the skin will be very oily. Very good, if you use the juice of cucumbers, as it contributes to the further rejuvenation and tightens pores, and facial skin looks great.

How to tighten the skin at home? Homemade face masks: reviews

2. tighten skin at home using sour milk?

In the preparation of gelatinous liquid add one tablespoon of milk and one teaspoon of flour. The mixture must be constantly stirring. If you have oily skin, add the flour, but if dry - oatmeal (suitable ground oatmeal). The mask should get quite thick. The person is treated moisturizer, then lukewarm mask applied to the face. Once it dries, rinse with warm water. No need to strain the muscles of the face.

3. Mask with fruit. This mask is suitable if you have rough skin. Making gelatin solution with milk as described above. Then you need to add a tablespoon of mashed spoon of fruit or berries, some like it, you can do mix. Bananas are suitable for all skin types, to make better use of dry apricot, gooseberry, tangerine, melon, persimmon, for normal to oily skin - grapes, kiwi, raspberry, orange, pear, cranberry. So you soften the skin, moisturize and infused with essential vitamins. 4. Mask with cucumber. Homemade face masks cucumber provide stunning tightening effect, whiten and moisturize the skin. Cucumber need to peel and pass it through a sieve, pour his juice in a bowl separately. In mashed add one teaspoon of gelatin, two teaspoons of green tea and warm as much tincture of chamomile. The mixture was stirred and heated up until it thickens, then add cucumber juice and a teaspoon of aloe. Apply the mask on your face evenly and hold for thirty minutes, wash off with warm water. Rejuvenation of the skin is due to the vitamins that you add in the mask, plus proteins and collagen revive all skin cells, get rid of excess fatty tissue, prevent blackheads and acne.


How to tighten the skin at home? Homemade face masks: reviews

In order to tighten the skin even faster, you must also eat properly, clean the entire body and withdraw toxins. Then your skin will become more elastic. Proper metabolism will speed up the work of all organs. In your diet should include the following products: fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir, whey, varenets, frying fish, peanuts, lamb, eggs, beef, pistachios, pine nuts, dark chocolate, liver. Exclude have fizzy drinks and alcoholic beverages. It is said that the procedure is necessary to do everything, but slowly. Do not lose weight too quickly, so that, after passing one, not to solve another problem. Exercise every day, add new ones, to avoid heavy loads. After all, we need not only a toned face, but also a slim figure, beautiful legs, smile, and do not look tired. Here we'll talk about how to tighten the skin at home, but not so simple. As the reviews many women need each day to work on their appearance, using a different set of procedures. And if you put off the care of their appearance for tomorrow or the day after, the result did not wait.

Reviews homemade mask

Each representative of the female skin and its structure is different, so sometimes in a review, you can find that any particular mask is not reached. However, if you choose the right ingredients that will fit your style, there will be an impressive result.