How to lose weight in 2 days? Diet for 2 days: reviews

Usually, people think that you need to lose a few kilos, before the holidays or other special events. They start looking for the "magic recipe" that will help attain the desired weight in a short time. How to lose weight in 2 days? This question appears many people in the head.

So, how to lose weight in 2 days? In this case, help express diet, but they can not be abused. It should be understood that if the diet is designed for 2 days, then it is for such period, you can sit on it. Now we offer several options that will be useful if you want to lose a couple of kilos in a matter of days.

Honey and lemon

How to lose weight in two days? In this issue you will help the two products: lemon and honey. This is a very rigid diet, during which you will have to drink a special drink (honey and lemon). In his day you should drink three liters. During the period of the diet you clear your body of toxins, toxins and saturate it minelayers and vitamins that are in diet products. Lemon has a positive effect on the skin, and in combination with honey lowers cholesterol. During this diet you can lose two to three kilograms.

How to prepare a drink? To make the cocktail you will need:

  • juice of 15 lemons;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 60 g honey.


How to lose weight in 2 days? Diet for 2 days: reviews

Mix lemon juice, water, add honey. The resulting cocktail is drunk throughout the day. The same pattern is preparing a drink and on the second day. It must be remembered that increases the acidity of the lemon. Citrus also can provoke the appearance of heartburn. On this basis, we conclude that increased acidity - a contraindication to such a diet. In addition, this diet is not suitable for people suffering from urolithiasis.

How to lose weight in 2 days? Diet for 2 days: reviews

The Spanish diet with honey

How to lose weight by 1-2 kg in two days? In this case, you will help the Spanish short-term diet. The main products of such power systems - is honey and eggs. The diet will be more diverse than the previous version. Consider the menu.

The first day of

Breakfast: tea with lemon, two egg yolks, beaten with a mixer with honey (1 tsp.).

Dinner: the same products as in the breakfast and cheese (90 g).

Dinner: tea with lemon, yolk, whipped with honey, apple, 200 ml of broth, a slice of bread (rye).

The second day

Breakfast: 2 egg yolks, whipped with a mixer with honey, a slice of bread (rye) and tea with lemon.

Lunch: boiled cabbage (100 g), egg yolks, beaten with honey, 150 g of chicken or fish, and tea with lemon.

Dinner: 90 grams of cheese, egg yolks, beaten with honey, a slice of bread (rye) and tea.

How to lose weight in 2 days? Diet for 2 days: reviews

Kefir and lemon diet

How to lose weight in 2 days? In this case, you will help kefir, lemon diet. Its duration - two days. During this period, you can lose a couple of kilograms. Such a diet often use athletes to quickly get in shape before the competition. The essence of the diet - you should drink a day 1, 5 liters of yogurt (low-fat) and eat two lemons. The whole diet can be divided into three portions (equal). In addition, it is possible to drink more liquid (not more than 1, 5 L). If you are hungry in the evening, then at night you can eat an apple or an orange.

Unloading diet for 2 days

Such a short-term diet should go to the benefit of the body. How to lose weight on such a system? You just need to follow the recommendations. On this diet you can lose up to two kilograms. Products can be selected according to your taste. The most popular - is, of course, apples and yogurt. But you can use vegetables, rice and so on. D. Before unloading the day in the evening take some laxative pills (it is necessary to empty the bowel). Then the next two days, you can eat on the chosen scheme, for example:

  • Rice diet. Every day to eat 250 grams of rice (no salt and oils) + two tomatoes.
  • Vegetable diet consisting of 1, 5 kg of vegetables (steamed without oil or raw).
  • Kefir diet. Every day you need to drink kefir (six to eight glasses).
  • The potato diet. Every day you need to eat 5-6 potatoes without oil. Boil root in a uniform, without the addition of salt.

How to lose weight on the cabbage?

You probably know that cabbage - this is a very useful product, rich in vitamins. In addition, with the help of this vegetable, you can lose a few extra kilos. Now we'll show you how to lose weight on the cabbage. For two days, you will eat fat burning soup, which serves as the basis for the cabbage. The cooking process is not very complicated.

To prepare the soup will need a miracle:

  • 6 bulbs;
  • 1 celery root;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • a head of cabbage.
How to lose weight in 2 days? Diet for 2 days: reviews

Take the cabbage, onion, celery and pepper. Chop the vegetables, put a pot of water on the fire. Throw it in the ingredients. Boil the soup after boiling no longer than ten minutes. Specified quantities of the ingredients for one day. You can just make soup for two, whereas vegetables should be more than 2 times. The finished dish is not salt. Before use, add pepper and parsley. This soup can be eaten at any time of the day, that is when you will have the sensation of hunger. If prior to use scroll soup in a blender, the meal will be delicious. For two days, you can easily lose a couple of kilograms, while the feeling of hunger almost did not bother.

"Rich" - a varied discharge

How to lose weight in 2 days? Go on a diet called "rich". During these two days is allowed to eat such foods: mushrooms, hard wheat, meat (small amount), vegetables and milk. But still very small portions. Fall under the prohibition of bread and sweet.

The first day of

Breakfast: cottage cheese (100 g), a cup of green tea.

Lunch: 200 g of cabbage, 50 g of steamed meat (boiled). Another embodiment lunch - rice (150 g).

How to lose weight in 2 days? Diet for 2 days: reviews

Dinner: tomato and 150 grams of pasta (without salt, tomato paste).

For half an hour or an hour before bedtime can drink low-fat yogurt or eat a small apple.

The second day

Before breakfast (half an hour) drink juice.

B: 150 g of baked fish with mushrooms.

Lunch: herbal tea, 50 grams of lean meat (boiled), 200 g lettuce (fresh or stewed vegetables).

Dinner: 150 g of rice and cheese + vegetable salad (100 g).

Before going to sleep, you can drink low-fat yogurt (natural).

A small conclusion,

Now you understand how you can lose weight in two days. In this case, you can help different power system. We have provided you with the most effective diet for a short period. We hope that they will help you achieve the desired result. By the way, do not forget about physical exercises. Doing sports, you can get the best result from diets.