How to grow long hair at home: tips, masks, recipes and reviews

Luxurious long hair! Is not that the ultimate dream of any young ladies? And let as many stylists convince us that at the peak of the popularity of short haircuts today, we all secretly dreamed of a thick head of hair, a brilliant waterfall falling on our shoulders.

How to grow long hair at home: tips, masks, recipes and reviews

How to grow long hair at home? Sometimes even that a few months bypassing hairdresser side and clipped the ends to increase the length of one day notice. But the mirror is again happy and impressed.

That's right, and will not be happy. Because not every one of us knows how to grow long hair at home. And really, how? That's what we are now and we'll talk.

Be sure to perform a mini-memo

First we need to learn the proper handling of your hair. And even here it does not matter, you are plagued by questions about how to grow long beautiful hair, or completely satisfied with the trendy short hairstyle. The main thing for any woman - it curls health. Then the problems will be less. And so it was, it is necessary to stick to simple recommendations.

  • Wash your head should be 1-2 times a week at least. It is possible and more often.
  • It is necessary to choose a shampoo suitable for your hair type. If they are dry and brittle, then look for it means for such.
  • The process of washing must be followed by a massage of the scalp. Many people, because of the eternal rush neglect this rule, and act according to the scheme: wet-paid-rinsed. Especially a sequence of actions characteristic of a strong half of mankind. But many of them are also in search of the answer to the question: how to grow long hair for men. How to grow long hair at home: tips, masks, recipes and reviews


  • Do not forget about the secrets of rinsing. To wash your hair, it is desirable not to warm and cool water. This will give them a silky and shiny.
  • Comb your locks need as often as possible. It is desirable for this purpose to use a brush. After all, not for nothing that it is called a massage. Massage perfectly strengthens the hair.
  • It is necessary to use a variety of special tools. Most often they are applied before washing your hair. But there are others. They used to have a clean, freshly washed hair. However, there is a rule: the mask is used to wash and balms - after. Although there are exceptions.

These recommendations are better to take it a rule never to depart from it.

Features hair growth

Many of us are wondering how to grow very long hair, and still do not know anything about their growth. But such information will be useful. Knowing as we know, power. It all depends on the state of the follicle. These are the hair follicles, from which the hair grows. It is on their chemical state and will depend on the length of your curls. And not only they, but also the appearance and structure.

In general, the scheme of life is hair. It consists of 3 stages. Hairs are actively growing 3-5 years. Then their growth slows down. The period of such hair hibernation lasts approximately 3 months. Then the hair falls out and new appears in its place. If you are okay with health and scalp, new hair grow back rather quickly. You will not need to seek an answer to the question of how to grow long, thick hair. When balancing the factors responsible for hair growth, problems with locks is not observed. Usually the hair grow for a couple of centimeters a month. If the use of special tools, it is possible to significantly speed up the process.

But often such a situation: the old hair falls out and new ones do not appear. That is, they are certainly there, but grow so slowly that you horror konstatiruete fact: the hair is sparse, and the amount of lost hair. And here on the agenda emerges the question: how to grow long hair at home?

The reasons for the growth of curls

Before we answer this question, let's look at the factors affecting the length of our curls.

How to grow long hair at home: tips, masks, recipes and reviews

From what does the hair growth?

  1. primarily on heredity and the genetic type. There was nothing to be done against nature, like it or not, you will not go. Although quality care largely eliminates this factor.
  2. Also, the growth effect and age. America will not open, if we say that after 40 hair grows slower. So, we must treat them with increased care.
  3. Pay attention to your lifestyle. Your hair is an indicator that reflects your habits and daily routine. If you consistently do not get enough sleep, smoke a lot, are experiencing stress, do not be surprised that you have left on the head last memories of her hair. Where is the hair to take the necessary forces for growth? In addition, this way of life and threatens to health problems.
  4. Talking about the state of our body. I mean, about health. Internal Medicine also affect hair growth. Therefore, if you are wondering how to grow long hair at home, you must first determine the cause of their slow growth. For example, in metabolic disorders or diseases of the endocrine system is a common phenomenon. Here, without specialist advice is not to do nothing. And to treat in the first place should not be hair, and underlying disease. However, it is not necessary to forget also about curls. Quality care has not hurt anyone.
  5. Proper nutrition. Sometimes all the problems lie precisely in our diet. Hard diet, failure to comply with food crops (this can be as food cold food and snacks in a hurry), the failure of any products and a lack of vitamins - is not the best way affects the skin of our head. It's time to reconsider your diet. And as it should be, now we know.

nutrition Secrets

You want to get advice on how to grow long hair? Then listen to what they say nutritionists. And they are one and all convinced that our appearance (whether the condition of the skin or hair styles) depends on what we eat during the day.

How to grow long hair at home: tips, masks, recipes and reviews

No matter how we treat your hair out, if they do not get food from the inside, nothing will. You can use the most innovative mask or try to imagine modern procedures in hairdressing salons, but they give only the appearance, and most importantly - a temporary result.

But our balanced diet will help restore and shine, and volume. Moreover, it significantly affects the growth of hair. Especially should pay attention to vitamins. It is our indispensable assistant, the correct use of which gives effective results.

Vitamins: a sense of proportion

Today pharmacies are literally bursting with an abundance of these funds. But remember one thing: such dietary supplements and systems are not identical to vitamins derived from natural products. If you really want to learn how to grow long hair, reviews can help you in this. Listen to the people who already have personal experience. And they argue that the admission of pharmaceutical products is fraught with overdose. This is understandable. Natural products do not eat a lot, feeling of fullness will immediately know that it is time to stop meal. But taking vitamin complexes, especially with a fanatical desire to achieve results in a short time, can cause temptation to exceed the norm. And instead of the one we have already swallow capsules 2, and then all of 5. So, those who are trying in this way to achieve long hair, we must remember that an overdose in such cases, threatened with the opposite result. Instead of accelerated growth you can get hair loss.

We select a vitamin complex

Thus, it is better to give preference to natural vitamins. Supplements, of course, are not prohibited, but they must be taken with caution.

So you want to learn how to grow long healthy hair? Then we deal with vitamins. Each of them has its purpose.

  • How to grow long hair at home: tips, masks, recipes and reviews

    Vitamin A. That it will stimulate the growth of your hair, as well as affect their appearance. You agree that long, but dull and brittle hair is unlikely to make you look attractive. Fortunately, it keeps vitamins in the body long enough, and there he is in the fish liver, in egg yolks, butter, whole milk. It is in the whole. Skim milk can not boast a large number of this element. Also, green, yellow, red vegetables and fruits contain this vitamin. It is believed that it is better to eat butter, since A - fat soluble element. So treat yourself to a salad or a sandwich.

  • Vitamin C. It is worth to pay attention to products with acidity. Sauerkraut, black currant, citrus - that's where the hidden this vitamin. It improves blood circulation, nourishes the follicles, and thus accelerates the growth of hair.
  • B vitamins are also useful for curls. They will grow much faster. Therefore, often eat black bread, seeds and legumes, prefer porridge from untreated grains.
  • Vitamin E. This element is responsible for the appearance of our hair. It prevents brittle and dull. Eat nuts and seeds, then your hair will be shiny and elastic.
  • Vitamin H. Often, this element is also called biotin. It restores the hair from the inside, he cares about their structure. In addition, biotin slows down the process of hair loss.

On the way to long hair

With the power we have understood. Now let's talk about other important details that affect the growth of curls.

  1. Give the hair freedom. In other words, give up the use of rubber bands, even and soft, all sorts of "crabs" and "bananas". Zakalyvaya hair, you hereby deformiruete their structure and, as a result, weakens them. As a result, slowing down their growth. But loose hair - it's so beautiful. And, mind you, it is useful for their growth.
  2. Hygiene and care facilities should choose one series. Then the impact will be comprehensive. Today, a huge number of natural shampoos, conditioners, and other products. They usually do not contain such harmful substances for our hair as sodium lauryl sulfate.
  3. Avoid blow-drying. Well, remember our grandmothers, who before retirement wore a thick head of hair and about any hair dryer did not even hear. Wet hair is better to wrap a large towel and keep as 15-20 minutes. And then a smaller towel to dry the individual strands. If you want to achieve volume, tilt your head down and fingers curls with your fingers. In addition, and styling products has not been canceled. They also give splendor.
  4. Do not forget about the massage. Simple exercises, stimulating the blood circulation in the scalp, comb it with a brush. It should be done at least a hundred movements in the direction of hair growth and as much against the direction of growth.

This is one of the most basic but important rules. However, not only for those who want to know how to grow long hair. Recipes herbal concoctions that can be used for rinsing will also be useful.

How to grow long hair at home: tips, masks, recipes and reviews

When the aid of herbs

Still tormented by the question of how to grow long hair? Reviews of many women talk about the benefits of rinses that you can do yourself. After all, folk remedies has always been known for its efficiency. They are attracted by the fact that he would never harm. Let's try?

  • Grind ivy leaves and add half a liter of water. Hold on the fire for about 10 minutes Cooled broth used for rinsing. You can simply rub into the scalp. Ivy can be replaced burdock root. Food Technology infusion same.
  • You can be treated and herbal complex. For example, take the same burdock, calendula (flowers) and hops (cones). It took only 1 tablespoon of the plant and a liter of water. Boil for 15 minutes. After our potion has cooled, you can use it. Decoction rubbed into the scalp, while it does not wash off, otherwise you can forget about the therapeutic effect.

However, not hard? But the result is obvious.

How to grow long hair: mask

Why not please his locks complex medical procedures? Do not want to add to the decoction is also a mask?

  • From beer and proteins. In a glass of beer add the beaten egg whites. Apply to the roots, and then distribute with a comb through the hair. Set up on the head of a package made of polyethylene, and on top of the towel. After 45 minutes rinse. It can be water, but you can shampoo.
  • 2 tablespoons of honey mixed with any oil (especially effective castor or burdock), add a little brandy (a teaspoon) and 2 egg yolks. Do not forget the yeast (just a little). Everything must be thoroughly stir and heat. Apply to the head and cover it with a towel. Hold mask an hour and then wash off with shampoo.

How to grow long hair for men?

And what about our macho? After all, they, too, sometimes, dream of long hair. For some it is a way to express to someone's image. The reasons can be many, but one question: how to grow long hair guy?

How to grow long hair at home: tips, masks, recipes and reviews

In fact, they fit all of the above recommendations. However, there are some nuances.

  • Shampoo should only choose men. Still, women's hair and men's hair - it's not the same thing.
  • It is important to determine your type of hair, because it will depend on the frequency of washing. It is possible that some members of the need to wash your hair every day.
  • It is to think about the stimulus funds, from which men, for the most part, refused. Take, for instance, whey. For its preparation requires a minimum of hassle, and the effect it gives stunning.
  • trichologists Doctors recommend that men and special injection. Drugs used in parallel with them.
  • There is another way: special hooks are attached to the skull natural or artificial hair. But this is an amateur. It is better to grow hair naturally.

As you can see, to be successful, and to fight the surrounding dense and long mop of hair, it is quite possible. But for this it is necessary not to be lazy and take good care of your tresses. And then they are sure to please you.