How to instill the habit of being punctual?

Did you ever have times when you are late for an important meeting, business meeting, a date, or because of its punctuality did not have time to train? Probably at least once, but each person is in one of these situations.

How to instill the habit of being punctual?

Well, if it's just coincidence, and it just happened at that time. But a lot of people are often late somewhere. There is a type of individuals who deliberately do not come in time, as they consider themselves too important and important persons, which still wait for. And there is such a group of people who simply can not make rational use of their time and each time suffering because of their punctuality, while experiencing unpleasant feelings and emotions.

Punctuality and the ability to be everywhere in time - this is not an innate trait, and generated over the years. Therefore, any person can become punctual, if he so chooses.

So how to inculcate the habit of coming / come all the time? How to learn punctuality?

How to instill the habit of being punctual?

Control the proper time

There is a category of people who tend to "get lost in time." In every man there is the so-called internal clock that people intuitively do it in time, as if something inside tells them the exact time. And there are those persons who require urgent in the field of view to watch the clock to be guided in a temporary space. It should also be excluded from his life "time wasters". This can be a fun game, followed by 5 minutes imperceptibly turn into an hour, favorite forum where looking for a couple of seconds, delayed by half a day, and so on. D.

How to instill the habit of being punctual?

His productive time

Each person has their own biorhythms. To understand how they work, it is necessary for 7-10 days to observe them and determine what time of day your productivity and efficiency high, and when it is low. All important meetings and challenges need to be planned at a time when efficiency is overestimated.

How to instill the habit of being punctual?

The ability to prioritize

Starting to do one thing, throwing and switching to something second, and we should remember that still need a third thing ... we can say with confidence that in the end will not be done absolutely nothing. We should learn to share the plans and tasks into several categories: primary and most important, secondary, and "if there is time."

How to instill the habit of being punctual?

The Plan

Excessive workload makes it impossible to focus properly and plan your day. Then drop all cases, select 5 minutes of time and make a list of tasks for the current day. Ideally, if we can not just make a list and paint it as a plan based on the priorities and the importance of the tasks.

How to instill the habit of being punctual?

Learn to give

A colleague asked for help to perform some task, and, in spite of his own time, and you agree to go to help her. At the same time own affairs sidelined. This approach is completely wrong: you must first meet their business and only then, when remains free time to help others. The ability to refuse - it is not an expression of weakness or a lack of respect, it is a way to express themselves, about their significance. Do you want to achieve something in life? Would you like to climb and conquer new heights? Then learn to manage time properly. Unfortunately, time does not stand still. Remember that wasted minute could be your first steps to success. In order not to regret in the future, start today to work on their own punctuality.