Where and how to learn parkour in 9-13 years later

Before thinking how to learn parkour, it is necessary to know that this is, in fact, for the discipline. Parkour - a unity of skills possession of the body, which at some point will be useful in different situations. The basic idea behind it is that there are no boundaries, there is only an obstacle that can always be overcome.

Where and how to learn parkour in 9-13 years later

To understand how to learn to do Parkour, you must initially achieve the desired psychological mood and athletic training. This is the case when you need to connect the physical strength, moral strength, coordination, reaction speed and be able to accurately assess the space through which you are traveling. How to learn parkour, because it is predominantly motor improvisation, which in this case requires a great development, and bring to the automaticity skills conscious movement?

How to start training parkour

Parkour teaches us to develop the skills of behavior in the real world, that is, to overcome obstacles here and now. Walls, trees, railings, roofs and railings - a standard barriers that overcomes the tracer. Therefore, the main purpose of human, thinking about how to learn Parkour, - to be able to easily, organically and naturally move in space and perform various movements and tricks.

Where and how to learn parkour in 9-13 years later

In order to deal with this discipline, a person must first develop their skills in a variety of sports to create harmony between body and spirit. An excellent option for the education of the spirit are the martial arts, which constantly need to turn out the desire to win and compete with the psychological fear. To develop skills of free movement, it should be rock climbing, athletics, acrobatics and gymnastics.

The motivation and overcoming the fear of

The first tracer should be aware that, before learning parkour, he must take care of their own motivation. Parkour means that a person must be a hunter psychology, pursuing his prey, does not notice the obstacles and do not abandon the target. It should not be thought in the minds of the impossibility to realize our plans.

Where and how to learn parkour in 9-13 years later

To become a tracer, you need to learn not to perceive an obstacle as the border is impossible. Parkour - passing through the space as if it smoothly and homogeneously by default. And this requires willpower and mental spirit.

What is required to develop the skills of parkour

Want to know how to learn parkour in 9 years or any other age? First of all for this activity needs to develop muscles. They must be strong, dry and tough. It is necessary to have flexible joints with strong ligaments, as in some cases the body weight is on one support arm, and the body is necessary to bend the jump without any support. It is also important to develop a strong and capable of loads respiratory system and strong, accustomed to lengthy load legs. It needs a good reaction, tenacity fingers and excellent coordination of movements.

The elements of parkour

Teens especially want to know how to learn parkour in 13 years. To this end, teenagers need to learn its basic elements, including:

  1. The ability to keep balance on a narrow section - balance.
  2. The ability to move around the surface of the vertical wall - valran.
  3. Skill movement on a very narrow road on bent legs - Cat-balance.
  4. Skill movement in her arms - Cat PES.
  5. It is essential in Parkour learn how to land safely and without injury. Feet should spring back and knees - flex already in the air.
  6. To reduce the load on the body when jumping from a great height it is necessary to master the roll element - landing with a roll over his shoulder.
  7. Use of other obstacles to overcome - tick-tock.

Jumping Parkour

It is important to know what you did not understand how to learn parkour if not master the jumping required in this sport. So, what you need to know about jumping in Parkour:

Where and how to learn parkour in 9-13 years later
  1. Drop (drop) - this is a simple jump.
  2. Monkey (monkey) - jump to the support arms on the obstacle and the transfer between the two legs.
  3. Manual jump - when the tracer at overcoming obstacles is pushed by hand.
  4. Blind jump - moving to untested or unknown surface.
  5. Sprin (spring) - jump over the obstacle without touching it.
  6. The exact jump - the goal of this movement - to stay in the confined space at a certain place.

That should be able tracer

For training parkour traceur must first take exercise capacity and master the basic elements and jumping. Further it is possible to move to the study of more complex exercises: tick-tack, semolina, sprin and so on. When you realize that your chances have increased, you can begin to practice in the performance of such elements as walking on his hands, valran, balance on hands and stuff. Do not immediately try to execute a complex coup or jump without having developed motor skills and flexibility, since it is fraught with his injuries - sprains, bruises and even fractures. If the body is not well developed or have no idea how to perform an item or jump, then we can hardly expect positive emotions from parkour training.

Where to learn parkour

Founder of this sport, David Belle, believes that there is no point in parkour schools. In his opinion, the best schools are the real conditions of life, why do best on the street. But first you should rehearse all the exercises at home or in the hall and then hone newly acquired skills into practice.

Where and how to learn parkour in 9-13 years later

However, the expert in parkour schools still there. Especially useful lessons for beginners tracer. Also there you can find friends for training and interests. In our country, places where you can learn parkour, not so much, but still they are there. Clubs, teaching this extreme sport, there are in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. In any case, find the guys practicing simple. Experienced craftsmen know how to perform tricks, and if that train and insure. And indeed, in the like-minded team is always easier and safer for you to develop new items and exercises.