How to make a soft heel at home with the help of soda or glycerol

With the advent of spring-summer season, we are beginning to pick up his hard open shoes. And here we notice their unkempt feet and ask questions about how to make a soft heel at home.

Ode heels

How to make a soft heel at home with the help of soda or glycerol

Our feet - one of the tools of feminine beauty. And it's not only about their length. Not at all. Beauty - a complex notion. If you do not have a beautiful pedicure, it does not matter. But if you are without a twinge of conscience will show others hardened heels, you would find a slut. And then, so no leg length or perfect pedicure will not save you.

That's why it's important to know how to make a soft heel at home.

The reasons for the problems with heels

You enviously watched the women whose feet the skin, as it seems to you from the outside, literally Satin? In fact it is the result of a long labor. Indeed, more than half of the fair sex encounters a problem calloused heels. Why such metamorphoses with the skin of our feet, because in childhood we all had silky, smooth heel?

How to make a soft heel at home with the help of soda or glycerol

The reasons there may be several. And the most important thing - to identify them correctly. Only then can we talk about quality care.

Heels suffer a huge burden for every day. It is not surprising that they often coarsens the skin and appear corns, cracks, corns. The reason for this may be the following factors:

  1. Neglect of hygiene. Unfortunately, many of us still think that you need to take care of your heels just during the warm season, when we wear open shoes. Ideally, it should be done all year round. When the permanent care is enough treatments for the feet once a week. If the heels are running, then first you have to give them the attention on a daily basis. Until then, until the cure. Make such care to their rule, and then you will not care about the question of how to make a soft heel at home.
  2. Ignoring laws pedicure. Many of us draw on the nails intricate patterns. But they forget that pedicure - a complex procedure. It implies not only the application of varnish on the nails, but also to care for them, as well as stop the skin.
  3. An Inconvenient shoes with stiff insoles. That is why the shoes and boots is always better to buy a well-known companies, which over the years have won their reputation and produce really high-quality shoes.
  4. The synthetic tights and socks. It is known that synthetic is not breathable, feet sweat, and creates an ideal environment for bacteria. Of course, the beauty of the laws require us to look a certain way, and it is unlikely for a business meeting or an evening out in the light, we put on cotton stockings. But at least at home you need to take synthetic and wear clothes made of natural materials.
  5. Internal diseases. Yes, health problems affect our skin. A common cause of heel roughness can be vitamin deficiency, thyroid problems, diabetes or gastritis. Here one way out - to treat the underlying disease, not forgetting, of course, health. How to make a soft heel at home with the help of soda or glycerol

Cosmetic taboo: what not to do with heels

If you are wondering how to make a soft heel at home, it should be remembered, and directly opposite rules.

What kind of manipulation can be futile and dangerous?

  • First of all, set aside or razor blade. Moreover, you can get hurt (and heal the heel will be long and painful), a similar procedure (cutting chapped skin) will not bring any result. After some time the epithelial layer is restored. But he will have a much thicker. After these manipulations back heels healthy appearance will be much harder.
  • Do not have too many hopes on hot tubs, who loudly advertised and available in our pharmacies. This thing is, of course, necessary and useful, but it is designed more for foot massage. In the fight against chapped skin from it a little disconcerting. The thing is that the water in it is only heated to room temperature. To steam the legs, it is not enough. The water temperature in this case must be equal to body temperature. Or slightly above, for example, 38 degrees.

Terms of care heels

How to make a soft heel at home with the help of soda or glycerol

How do still get soft heels at home? Very simple: it is necessary foot care to make their daily habit.

If you do not know how to make a soft heel in the home quickly, our advice to you is to take daily baths for the feet. The water can be added herbs (Salvia, oak bark, chamomile), minerals (sea salt, baking soda). And remember: salt and soda softens the skin, making it easier to exfoliate dead skin cells, and creams, oils nourish and moisturize.

Secrets exfoliating

All of us, of course, have heard of the magic tool any fashionista called pumice. its application very justified During reception foot baths. It is advisable to clean her feet a little, but often. Today, many offer a versatile two-sided object with one hand which is pumice, the other - a special soft brush. The latter should be applied after the treatment of the feet with a pumice stone.

You can buy special nail file and a paper-based. They come in different grits. But their main feature is that these saws do not scratch, and peeling skin. For lovers of comfort at cosmeticians have elegant Offer - scrubs and peels. Gentle effect on the skin and a stunning effect - these are their advantages.

Our assistant - Soda

How to make a soft heel at home with the help of soda or glycerol

This white powder has a truly unique properties. He comes to our aid, and in diseases of the throat, and increased acidity, and when dealing with rough skin. The pursuit of beauty we avoid beauty salons, cosmetologists pay a lot of money, and sometimes even do not think that we have at hand is a magical tool that can be used at home by yourself. It is now on the soda.

However, be aware that it is impossible for a long time to keep your feet in soda solution, or a violation of pH balance you provided. And that could lead to such effects as dehydration of the skin and discomfort.

Soda foot bath

How to make a soft heel at home with the help of soda?

Try soda bath.

  1. to 5 liters of water, you will need only 3 tablespoons of white powder. It is better not to delay the procedure and to confine 10-15 minutes. Do such a bath it is desirable to 5-7 days, and you will notice that the skin had a healthy appearance. After the procedure, make a gentle massage of the feet and lubricate the cream. You can wear cotton socks, if you are treating heels before going to bed.
  2. It makes sense to add to the soda solution a little essential oil. Then you get another and relaxation effect. If you take a bath often, you can forget the sweating of the feet.

Best Friend heels - glycerol

This is another unique tool that will make your heels pink and soft. In addition, glycerin is excellent fights with cracks.

How to make a soft heel at home with the help of soda or glycerol

How to make a soft heel at home using glycerin? A simple recipe that is accessible to everyone: half a vial of glycerin to the brim with pour apple cider vinegar. It is desirable to use apple cider. Shake the resulting solution and lubricate their feet in the morning and evening. Heel will be satin and nails - healthy and shiny.

This effect is very easily explained by means of the properties of its components. Glycerin attracts water and moisturizes the skin. Apple vinegar contains many useful substances (fluorine, potassium, pectin, and vitamins).

Soft heel: folk remedies

We should not neglect the gifts of nature. Herbs, vegetables, fruits - all this can be used to control the rough skin of our feet.

How to make a soft heel at home with the help of soda or glycerol

Try the following wonder drug, and the result will not take long.

  • Squash mask. A young vegetable can grate or mince. Put on a fabric (necessarily natural!) And wrap it around the heels. Secure and sit so no more than half an hour. Then wash off the remnants of mashed potatoes and rub the feet with cream (preferably nutritious).
  • The mask of lemon with an egg. Excellent tool that is effective after the steamed bath. Take a teaspoon of lemon juice and starch and add the yolk. Apply the mixture on your heels. Over time, the mask is dry and turn into the frozen crust. It is necessary to wash it with water and leg please moisturizer.
  • Apricot mask. Southern fruit has long been a regular guest, even in northern latitudes. He is known for its beneficial properties. In particular, it is used to treat the heels. 3-4 apricot mash and add to the resulting slurry 2 teaspoons of oil (Olive or vegetable). Warm the mixture was 3 minutes on low heat. Then apply a mask brush for makeup on the heels. Then we need to wrap your feet in polyethylene and to sit so for about 20 minutes after the procedure necessary to rub the skin nourishing cream stop.

Now you know how to make a soft heel. For the lazy, too, there is a way - modern cosmetics. In "Faberlic" is a foot cream, "K-9", "Avon" offers Foot Works, from domestic creams can be distinguished "Doctor."

In short, there is a will, and then the result you will notice very soon.