Stone grenades - good luck charm, friendship and love!

Stone pomegranate has several varieties, and some of them in today's world recognized precious. The most common type is a red ruby ​​or garnet, emerald or common green mineral that is considered rare, colorless stone. Particularly different from all known stones-chameleons, which, depending on the situation can change its color.

Stone grenades - good luck charm, friendship and love!

Grenade Properties

Since ancient times it was believed that the pomegranate has a variety of properties - the magical, healing, energy. It symbolizes the positive emotions - joy, fun, happiness, optimism and emancipation, so nervous and easily excitable people, this mineral is better not to wear at all times.

The healing properties of the pomegranate

Modern medicine has long been used for practical purposes, the known properties of certain minerals, and grenades in this case - is no exception. People who look after their health, garnet stone will help strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body of harmful substances, accumulated under the influence of unfavorable environmental conditions or from the conduct of an unhealthy lifestyle in the past.

Stone grenades - good luck charm, friendship and love!

may be advisable to wear jewelry with garnet those people who suffer from problems with the organs of digestion and hematopoiesis. It improves the endocrine system and the respiratory system. The positive results when wearing stone patients with hearing disorders, memory problems, dermatological ailments (psoriasis, eczema and m. P.), Allergies. Red fine mineral helps with gynecological diseases. Ezoteriki advise applying pomegranate stone people suffering from temporary fever, fever or inflammation. As a health promotion after the attacks of multiple sclerosis or stroke better without removing wear a one or a few ornaments with an amazing mineral. Stone garnet, whose properties have been noted even by our ancestors, since ancient times was used for birthing young mothers pervorodok who experienced difficulties in resolving of the fruit.

Stone grenades - good luck charm, friendship and love!

The magical properties of pomegranate

In the East, it was a symbol of ambitious men who sought to achieve social status, gain power or to take high office, for good reason - the stone was called "royal." But ancient Oriental healers believed that the red mineral is able to revive a passionate desire in the hearts of people wearing it, but does not help in the execution desires. At the present time grenades are those people who want to attract good luck and increase your inner energy potential of hard work, endurance and positive, to attract friendly, faithful and sincerely attached friend. Apart from the fact that the garnet stone is able to bring to the owner good luck, love, friendship, and good attitude of others, it also protects the host from the unkind words, the negative impact of gossip, and other manifestations of envy, unfriendliness and hatred of enemies.