Tattooing eyebrows: reviews the pros and cons

Modern Aesthetic Beauty has an arsenal of various tools and techniques to create the ideal image of women. Today, among the young ladies very popular tattoo eyebrows, reviews of which it is easy to find on the various thematic resources. Let's try to figure out what is the procedure and what results you can expect from it.

Tattooing eyebrows: reviews the pros and cons

What is permanent makeup or tattooing?

The basis of this procedure lies cosmetic tattooing, more gentle than conventional tattoo. The purpose of permanent make-up - only decorative effect. The immense popularity of this method due to the desire of women to look good in every situation and, preferably, at any time of the day. Tattooing eyebrows, which reviews are most diverse in nature - a very responsible and serious cosmetic procedure. Therefore, it has to perform skilled and experienced professionals. The thing is that it can change the shape of the eyebrows facial expression. It plays a significant role in the make-up, determining proportions. That is why, before making a tattoo eyebrows, which reviews will help you understand both the pros and cons of this procedure, choose the right for themselves the shape and color. This question is not superfluous will help an experienced beautician. Tattoo eyebrows: the pros and cons

Tattooing eyebrows: reviews the pros and cons

A well made permanent makeup will make the face brighter, younger, more expressive. This cosmetic procedure can be an ideal solution for women with light or too sparse eyebrows. It also allows a bit to make life easier for young mums and careerists - in a word, those ladies who constantly do not have the time. Permanent makeup is also needed girls with asymmetrical line eyebrows, that does not fix the usual plucking. Visually determine tinted hair pencil or adjusted tattoo, it is practically impossible, and it is a huge plus. However, permanent makeup eyebrow also has negative aspects. This procedure is quite painful and is done without anesthesia. In addition, tattooing of eyebrows, opinions about where it is essential to examine before deciding on the operation, can cause allergic reactions (in the dye or anesthetics). Healing usually takes about six days, this period may appear swelling, redness, bruising and peeling. In addition, it is not excluded and disappointed with the result.

Tattooing eyebrows: reviews the pros and cons


On medical instructions is not recommended permanent tattoo eyebrows, reviews of which most of them are positive, pregnant girls, young ladies up to 18 years, women with high blood pressure, patients with somatic disorders, epilepsy, acute respiratory infections, colds and diseases of the blood. In addition, this procedure should not be done to the ladies who are allergic to pigments, as well as the presence of cancer, keloids, in mental disorders, inflammation of the skin during menstruation. Diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system pathologies associated with bleeding disorders, are also included in the list of contraindications.