Fasting for weight loss: reviews and recommendations

Overweight - is not only ugly appearance. Among other things, the extra kilos are harmful to health. That is why many doctors prescribe fasting for weight loss. Reviews of him show the effectiveness of this method of weight loss, but it is a fairly extreme, though treatment. What kinds of starvation there?

Fasting for weight loss: reviews and recommendations

Fasting slimming

Doctors about this method, for the most part positive. It is designed not only to reduce body weight, but also on the recovery of the organism as a whole, improving the functioning of internal organs and well-being. How are fasting? Firstly, it must be held strictly under the supervision of a specialist, who appointed him. Fasting is not a panacea for weight loss, so it is impossible to assign itself independently. To him be sure to properly prepare. To do this, gradually reducing the amount of food intake, diet changes. Foods that contain a lot of animal fats are replaced with vegetable fats, found in nuts. Gradually to come to the fact that the basis of the diet will make the vegetables and some fruits. In principle, the preparation for the fasting process can be 2-3 days and for which the person waives all harmful products. In the future, should determine the time of fasting. If it is three days, you can try to hold its own. If a week and even more per month - only under medical supervision. Adhering to starvation, you need a lot of time to devote to walks and to use cleansing enema, so that the body has been updated. Despite the fact that highly effective fasting for weight loss, which reviews confirm this, you need to prepare for what could cause discomfort, pain, fatigue and malaise. It is a defensive reaction to the stress test, so often these problems are not dangerous to health, but see a doctor in such cases it is necessary. Cascade fasting for weight loss

Reviews of this form of fasting is best, because it is quite easy to move. Its principle lies in the fact that the days without food and water alternate with days supply. Schemes are different, they can be selected individually. The very common - day after day. That is a day of hunger, even without the use of water, the next day - good nutrition. What is important to remember: in the days of food can not lean on a dense and fatty foods. It should be light salads, fruits, dairy products possible. The last meal should be no later than six o'clock in the evening.

to Dry fasting for weight loss

Fasting for weight loss: reviews and recommendations

Reviews about this method is perhaps the most controversial. Those who managed to try it, saying that it is effective, but doctors in one voice say that it is harmful. Dry fasting involves the rejection not only from food and drink, but also any contact with water, including washing, washing, washing hands, and so on. Stick to it can be no more than three days and is strictly supervised by a professional. This kind of diet can be harmful to health.

Fasting for weight loss: reviews and recommendations

Even if a person chose fasting for weight loss, which he liked the reviews, it is necessary to assess their capabilities and state of the body, before moving on to this kind of measures to reduce weight.