Spit Falls: how to weave? try to learn

How to learn to do the hairstyles on their own?

The ability to do a variety of hairstyles on their own much easier life of any girl. First, it saves time, and secondly - the money, and thirdly, lets look stylish in any situation. No matter what it is - going to the theater or town trips with friends.

Spit Falls: how to weave? try to learn

To learn how to do hairstyles on their own, need to practice. If the hairstyle "Spit waterfall" will not work the first time, and, possibly, from the second, and even third - no need to despair, that each is required for the development of a different time... We just need to devote every day a little time to practice - and succeed. So, waterfall braid. How to weave? Process to become each time more understandable, the two mirrors can be used.

weaving machinery

Among hairstyles for long hair, medium length hair is very popular today, such a hairstyle like a scythe waterfall. How to weave? Learn about this many girls want is following fashion. As with any hairstyle, braid waterfall diagram is quite simple, begins with careful preparation of the hair, that is. E. They should be well comb, to avoid confusion, and the strands are well separated.

Spit Falls: how to weave? try to learn

The hair should be divided by a central parting and start braiding from the other side, which is more convenient. Should begin to spin as usual braid only from the side. E. It takes part of the hair, which is then divided into three strands, and begins their intertwining with each other. After the strands were twisted (three movements), strand coming out at the bottom to let go, to take with her (the same place - the bottom) a new strand and continue weaving until then, until one of the strands again is at the bottom (three movements). Bottom strand let go and take the next again (next). Thus, each strand is at the bottom.

add romance

When braiding is completed, the resulting braid is necessary to tie the usual eraser. Even better - stab pins, previously tucked it under a "waterfall" of hair. This will create a sense of the fact that the spit has no beginning and no end, and she wraps her head behind the natural rim. Spit Falls (how to weave that it is now clear) it can be complicated interweaving it more tape in tone clothing. In this hairstyle, you can add romance, clocked slightly sloping down strands of hair. This technique also helps to hide some of weaving defects, for example, stray hairs, and so on. N. Other options

Some believe that during weaving to produce need to average strand. It depends on the artist of taste and how it is more convenient to spin, creating a hairstyle "waterfall braid." How to weave a braid, producing an average strand? Technique is absolutely similar, the only difference is allocated by the strands, ie. E. Releases the middle instead of the bottom, take the following strand as below. It turns elegant waterfall braid. How to weave? You can find another option. It begins weaving from one side and stopped in the middle, and then - on the other side, too, and stops in the middle. After two braids are joined in one or two dopletayutsya middle.

Spit Falls: how to weave? try to learn


This hairstyle can be called elven, she looks sophisticated and because the braids come together in the middle of one, has a finished look and does not require further action. It is only necessary to fix the tip of a rubber band.