How to make a fruit peels at home?

Beauty and health of the skin, our external data requires constant attention. It takes a lot of money and effort. How much time and devotes every woman to care for their skin to look young and beautiful! Today we reveal the secrets that make the comfort of home, each able to hold health treatments.

How to make a fruit peels at home?

Peeling - for an effective care

One of the most effective methods, which supports the beauty of the skin is peeling in the home. Even when there is no time or budget, you can use this method, since it is not always possible to go to a beauty salon and make anti-aging treatments. Every woman there is a great opportunity to make peeling at home. This is a procedure in which the skin is applied to a special tool (scrub), removes dead skin cells. So it allows it to regenerate and stay fresh, beautiful and healthy. It is important to know that before the body peeling, you should consult with your doctor, because the nature of each of us is unique.

How and when to peel?

If your skin is sensitive, and you are prone to allergies, it is necessary in conjunction with the beautician choose the means and frequency of exfoliation at home. If the doctor does not recommend that you clean the house, you have to listen to this. The regularity of the procedure depends on your skin type. For example, for dry enough once in 2 weeks, and for normal and oily - once every 7 days. Peeling at home can be done while taking a bath in the bath or sauna. Before you begin, clear your skin, steam out, then gentle movements, apply the scrub using gloves. Pay particular attention to elbows and knees, such areas can be massaged more. After a few minutes, rinse agent. After the procedure, apply body moisturizer. Do not make a body scrub when taking a shower. Jets of water immediately wash away the horny particles, and when re-applying the scrub, you can cause skin irritation. Fruit peels at home

How to make a fruit peels at home?

One of the most useful and refreshing skin treatments - peeling fruit. This procedure is a magic bullet, and do it so the healing properties of nature's gifts. For example, pineapple and papaya. In their structure there are such enzymatic substances such as papain and bromelain. They cleave the protein compounds, allowing the skin to be released from unnecessary toxins. Fruit peels at home can be made from other fruits: apple, grape, orange, lemon, currant, and others.

Recipes fruit scrubs:

How to make a fruit peels at home?

  1. Papaya and pineapple. To take this fruit pulp (2: 1) are mixed with one or two tablespoons of honey. Is then applied to the body and left for 5 minutes, then washed off with cold water. That you are used to such a facility, it is necessary to start with three minutes, increasing the time to five.
  2. Olives and rosehips. Oil from fruits mixed in equal amounts (by half a glass), add 1 \ 4 part teaspoon citric acid. The resulting mass is spread in the form of heat on the skin, hold five minutes and rinse.
  3. Apple. To do this, the pulp of the fruit, mix with grated carrot and cucumber. Ratio 2: 1: 1. Apply on legs, arms, chest and rinse after 10 minutes.
  4. Scrub red currant and grapes. Remove peel fruits, the pulp is mixed in equal proportions (100 mg) and put on a clean body weight. Keep a quarter of an hour and rinse.


Scrubs, skin cleansing at home should be prepared before taking a bath, and used immediately. This is due to the fact that the natural mixture quickly lose quality. With regular procedures fruit peeling will make your skin silky, fresh and healthy!