As a decoction of nettle hair will return them to the beauty? Recipes and tips

Nettle - a plant that is very active and is widely used by our grandmothers in cooking as well as for preparation of various infusions and decoctions for the solution of health problems. However, not many modern girls know that nettle broth hair on the old recipe - a great way to strengthen your hair and make them more healthy and beautiful.

As a decoction of nettle hair will return them to the beauty? Recipes and tips

Properties nettle

The most important properties of this plant burning the following: hemostatic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and tonic. Not many people know that nettle can improve lactation nursing women. As for the recipes for beauty, there may be noted that a decoction of nettles for hair helps, with regular use of it, their increased growth and strengthening.

Grandma's secrets

In order to have had the opportunity to use nettle leaves all year round, it is necessary beforehand to make strategic reserves. This herb can be frozen, dry and even cooking followed by "conservation".

As a decoction of nettle hair will return them to the beauty? Recipes and tips

But today, it's much easier and in order to prepare an infusion of nettle for hair, it is not necessary to independently engage in the collection and preparation of the plant. Today nettle is available for sale in all pharmacies and you can without any problems to use it for their home beauty secrets. First broth nettle hair - a great tool for rinsing your head of hair after the usual washing. If you do this consistently, then after a short time notice that your hair become stronger, they strengthen their growth, and disappeared problems with the scalp, including dandruff. The broth nettle hair. Reviews and Recipes

In addition to using the infusion in its pure form, you can cook homemade beauty products for hair care products, which include the above decoction or tincture. For the preparation of the most important component in this case you will need:

  • Glassware (this is important!);
  • 3 tablespoons dry nettle leaf;
  • half a glass of vodka (about 100 ml) - for tincture;
  • half a cup of boiling water - for the broth.

Nettle pour vodka (boiling water) and give it brew in a dark place for at least 5 days. Such a framework in any mask will help to treat damaged hair, ridding them of excess breakage and dryness.

As a decoction of nettle hair will return them to the beauty? Recipes and tips

Very good similar components will be combined with any vegetable oil which is often used in cosmetics (almond, burdock and castor, olive, etc.). Means applied to the scalp and hair, covered with polyethylene and warm towel and kept for at least half an hour. Wash off with regular shampoo, then you can use a decoction of herbs to further strengthen the hair and give them a natural shine. So say almost everyone who regularly uses this method enhance curls. The mask of the nettle and sea salt

For this recipe you will not need a decoction of nettles to the hair and leaves it useful burning plants (fresh). About 200 grams of fresh leaves mixed in a blender with a dining room spoon of sea salt until smooth. The resulting mush apply on the roots and hair, the most distributed along the length, and hold for 20 minutes This tool helps you get rid of excessive fat hair, stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp, which promotes the growth of healthy, strong and shiny curls.