As a pensioner earns more than a million rubles a month thanks to YouTube

As a pensioner earns more than a million rubles a month thanks to YouTube

66-year-old Tatiana Lozovskaya Framing Workshop opened, but the business does not bring profit. Then pensioner opened a channel on YouTube, to talk about their business and conduct master classes. The project brings to 1, 2 million rubles in revenues and 300 000 profit per month, and orders for the execution of the paintings come from all over the world

Ten years ago, imagine the usual saleswoman as a screen star was virtually impossible. But the development of the Internet and new media have made this scenario a reality: 66-year-old Tatiana Lozovskaya drew an audience of Russia, Australia, China, Panama and the United States thanks to YouTube. The number of subscribers "Secrets of needlework Tatiana Lozovaya" has already exceeded 30,000, leaving it rolls-manual embroidery and decoration of paintings in a baguette every month looking for more than 20 000 users, the majority - born in Russia, living abroad.

Blog gained popularity thanks to the "spiritual approach", explains Lozovskaya she communicates with fans as friends, teaching them everything she knows and shares stories of life. Pensioner managed to monetize the channel: thanks to YouTube the number of clients it baguette shop "Lenbaget" has increased several times. Making paintings and embroideries month brings Lozovskaya several million rubles in revenue and profitability is 25-30%.

Cleaner, saleswoman businesswoman

Tatiana Lozovskaya never dreamed of working for the public: she was born in Leningrad, was educated goods manager and got a salesman in a grocery store. In the 28 years after her husband - a military surgeon - moved to the village of Gremikha near Murmansk. Work in the village is almost not there, but managed to get an inspector Lozovskaya place trade in the executive committee. She then worked for several years as a commodity in the local Voentorg and moved to Murmansk, where he finished debugging sales processes in a major grocery stores. With experience, in 1991 Lozovskaya opened a pawnshop. "I had a lot of friends who brought things, and then the shuttles, which in the 90s was a dime a dozen, began to take their leftovers. So he has earned the first capital ", - she said. Two years later Lozovskaya opened a small grocery store "at home".

Shop brought a small but steady income, and in 1998 went to Lozovskaya family vacation to Europe. As it turned out, not in time. "Event of Default, the ruble galloping prices in the shops in the morning could vary by tens of times of the evening price. If I was in Russia, have closed shop not to sell the goods at a discount. But I was without communication could not do anything, and my vendors are pilfered, sold out, left me with nothing, "- sadly recalls the businesswoman.

Returning from the ill-fated holiday, she stayed for two years without work. And in 2000, her husband retired and the couple decided to return to his native St. Petersburg to Lozova. But the move is not saved from the problems: it turned out, 48-year-old woman with little experience, no one expected in the northern capital. "Employers do not want to take me because of age. So I decided to get a cleaner in a bookstore - there was nowhere else to go, "- says Lozovskaya.

But it did not have long to wash floors: help local criminal "authority". "As long as clean and walked past the shelves, I had time to explore the range. One comes gangster-looking man - a gold chain around his neck, borsetka under his arm. Asks some detectives, the boy-seller says, they say, we do not have such. And I can remember, that is. We went with him, I showed, and he took a huge stack - apparently friends in prison to read. Boss I saw what I brought revenue per day, immediately took me to the sellers, "- says Lozovskaya.

Working in the book, she was fascinated by embroidery. To place the resulting patterns in the picture, he went on Framing Workshop and select the appropriate frame. Stepson Lozovskaya Denis Sorokin, who also lived in St. Petersburg and owned a chain of repair shops of home appliances "Lenremont" remarked a woman's love for needlework and asked her to open her own Framing Workshop. In recent months, the proceeds of "Lenbageta" is kept at 1-1, 3 million rubles, net profit - 300 000 and 400 000

Tatiana embraced the idea with enthusiasm. To understand the new business, "he questioned the" owner of the studio, which was a regular customer. With initial investments helped Sorokin. He identified four million rubles for the purchase of premises 200 square meters. m on the ground floor of a residential building and the purchase of equipment for the production of frames - cutters, presses and machine.

In 2011, the workshop was opened under the name "Lenbaget" activities conducted on behalf of the FE Denis Sorokin.

On the internet "to you"

Advertisement Framing Workshop was not easy: the first three years of business has worked in a minus. By 2014 Lozovskaya gained a permanent pool of customers and went to zero. Together with Sorokin, they began to open small islands with ready-made frames in repair shops "Lenremonta" but tangible profits is still not there. Then Sorokin had the idea to start a blog stepmother on YouTube. "I thought that it is necessary to keep pace with the times", - the businessman explains.

Going online - a good step for any offline business, says Catherine Ukolov, founder and CEO of consulting company Oy-li: "YouTube has become a lifesaver for many companies. By creating a channel, the project generates its own media with a loyal audience and their own advertising. " According to experts, retail sales on the YouTube channel can provide up to 40% of turnover. "Companies that are now invested in YouTube-promotion, offer myself a living and constantly expanding customer base. Especially a lot of traffic, you can get a video with "sophisticated" products - such as baguettes, "- says Ukolov. In her estimation, going online does not require many resources: Channel maintenance with 50 000-70 000 subscribers can cost 20 000 rubles per month. Lozovskaya initially was not enthusiastic about the idea stepson: "I was with the internet" on you "and even acted against scary. Well, it is interesting to look like an old grandmother tells something? "However, for the sake of experiment, she agreed to write" a couple of movies. " Sorokin invited operator who filmed and edited the video, and put the pensioner before the camera. "The first issues were quite koryavenko - voice trembling, shaking pens at Tatiana," - he recalls.

The first movie "Secrets of needlework" appeared on YouTube in October 2016 and, to the surprise of the authors, has caused an unprecedented boom. "I did not expect such a response: People sign, leave comments and generally very positively responded. I did not think that all that is good will treat me "- recognized Lozovskaya. It turned out, she found the vacant niche: many women are addicted to embroidery and high quality content on the topic on YouTube open spaces did not exist in Russia.

Sorokin took up the promotion of the project. To reach a wider audience, it organized collaborations with channels of similar subjects: the authors have worked together esters and advised to subscribe to blogs on each other. But the bulk of the traffic comes naturally: still you type "embroidery" or "baguette" to YouTube with one of the first results in the issue is Lozova channel.

"A huge number of women engaged in crafts and culinary experiments. This active and solvent audience is very responsive to the advice of experts, "- explains the success of the blog Alexey Filippov, CEO GPC Pharmaceuticals and YouTube-channel owner" Bytovuha Show ". According to him, the secret of the popularity of the channel Lozova in that it does not simply describe as embroiders and makes the frame, and to involve the audience.

"On such a pension, I never dreamed"

Gradually, the Internet has become a popular pensioner converted into real money: in 2016 the number of orders "Lenbageta" began to grow, and at the end of 2017 the company has brought the first tangible revenue - 12 million rubles. The important role played by the fact that Lozovsky rollers began to look outside Russia. "Thanks to YouTube I learned about our compatriots all over the world, people have to send their works from America, Canada, Germany," - lists Lozovskaya. Despite this attention, it tries to respond to all the comments to the video, and in the intervals between the output rollers willing to communicate with subscribers in messengers.

The main income is generated design patterns. Lozovskaya gets canvas with embroidery, listens to customer requests, to pick their own material, the shape, the color and design coordinates and gives the order to the studio, and then sends back to the customer the finished picture. In addition to the founder of the workshop has five employees, each of which performs an average of ten orders per day. Blog works more as a marketing channel to attract customers to your offline business. Lozovskaya conducts network master classes in embroidery, but they bring no more than 5% of revenue. Advertising on the channel no. "We are not looking for advertisers, and they do not come to us," - he throws up his hands Sorokin.

"Lenbaget" has grown to 14 points in St. Petersburg - one anchor workshop and 13 "islands", which are located inside the repair shop "Lenremont" Sorokin and act as showrooms. In recent months, the proceeds of "Lenbageta" is kept at 1-1, 3 million rubles, net profit - 300 000 and 400 000. The average check frames made of plastic is 1500-2000 rubles, made of wood - 3500 rubles, about 25% is in the form of net income, even tens of thousands of rubles a month bring paid master classes. Competitors consider such factors "in the whole real." "Revenue" Lenbageta "above the market, but they have found their niche and are successful in it", - said Victor Rudenko, the general director of the St. Petersburg baguette shop "Artis". "The idea of ​​a blog and a cool working, apparently. I would have done so himself, but I do not have Tatiana Lozovaya "- sigh representative network baguette workshops" baguette ". Lozovskaya she receives a total of 40 000 - 50 000 rubles of profit, the rest goes to the blog development, repair business Sorokin and charity - the family actively donates money to children's homes. "I'm just a hired employee, and organizes and develops all Denis", - modestly explains this situation pensioner. However, such salaries and it is enough for it to lead a typical life for the popular bloggers: over the years with the studio she had traveled almost the whole of Europe and popular resorts. Forbes on issues during the preparation of the text pensioner answered from vacation, which holds at the villa in the Canary Islands. "Doing things you love and live in pleasure - I'm on a pension and not dreaming" - pleased Lozovskaya.