How to get rid of stretch marks in the home: tips and tricks

Quite often, after a dramatic weight gain, weight loss or childbirth on a woman's body there are traces in the form of stretch marks, or as they are called, striae. You find yourself a "mark" of the fairer sex, as a rule, is wondering how to get rid of stretch marks in the home, because not everyone can afford to visit beauty salons, and young mothers it simply may not have time. In this article we will talk about ways to combat stretch marks and their prevention.

How to get rid of stretch marks in the home: tips and tricks

How to remove stretch marks after giving birth at home

Striae occurring during pregnancy, perhaps, are the most common. Typically, the first stretch marks appear to the end of the second trimester, when a woman in a position starts active growth tummy. And they not only do not look very aesthetically pleasing, but also can cause itching and even pain. Completely rid your body of stretch marks during pregnancy not succeed, but to reduce their appearance, you can use some of the funds.

How to get rid of stretch marks in the home Pregnancy

How to get rid of stretch marks in the home: tips and tricks

First of all, it is recommended to use special creams, for example, Pregnacare firm. These funds can not save a woman from the stretch, but will tone and moisturize the skin, suspending the process of their formation, as well as lowering the sensitivity, thus saving the skin from itching. Also recently appeared striae useful regularly massaged, using wheat germ oil or almond oil. How to get rid of stretch marks in the home after birth

Once a woman became a mother, stretch marks become red hue, but cease to be scratched. You need to start treatment as early as possible to achieve maximum effect. It is an excellent means of home-cooked ointment on the basis of the mummy. For its preparation should be mixed with a spoon mumie baby cream or cream of stretching, the resulting mixture was diluted with warm water in a small amount. The resulting ointment is necessary for 30 minutes to rub in a circular motion into the skin, and then leave it on the body for another half hour. Then the ointment residues rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with olive oil.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the breasts at home

How to get rid of stretch marks in the home: tips and tricks

The fair sex, having a large breast size, have to deal with stretch marks are much more likely than the other ladies. Unfortunately, some compresses and creams do not work here, but also have to resort to exercises with dumbbells (you need hands up and slowly spread them apart). Also, owners of an impressive bust is only recommended to wear sturdy bras that it is desirable to remove only at night to prevent the formation of new stretch marks. How to get rid of stretch marks in the home : a few tips

If you are experiencing stretch marks, which appeared in the thigh, then the best option to deal with them will exercise, massage and wraps. If you decide to perform a massage for yourself, get a special kit including balls for massage oil and a stiff brush. Apply to the problem area oil and start to warm up the skin with gentle movements. By the way, this procedure will not only help in the fight against stretch marks, but on the other a female problem - cellulite.