Shampoo for hair growth. How to make your hair more beautiful?

The beauty of long hair

Long and healthy hair - it's always beautiful. Unfortunately, not every woman can boast such a merit. Why not just have to do a fine half of mankind, to give volume and the length of his hair. Good helper in this difficult matter is the shampoo for hair growth. These funds are aimed at strengthening the power of the hair roots, and thereby ensured their growth. Let us dwell on the principles of their actions.

Shampoo for hair growth

Shampoo for hair growth can be a special medical and cosmetic. The main thing for him - the composition. Some cosmetic line specializing in synthetic materials and keep the shampoo commercial secret, while others prefer a well-known natural ingredients. Most often possible to meet ingredients such as extracts of algae, extracts of various herbs and grasses, wheat germ, royal bee jelly, and other similar means.

Shampoo for hair growth. How to make your hair more beautiful?

They actively saturate the hair beneficial properties, give them extra strength. In addition, the composition of cosmetic products are often found keratin, which not only gives extra energy for growth, but also restores the damaged structure of your hair. Pepper tincture

Many women buy shampoo for hair growth with an extract of pepper. At the heart of its action - a sharp rush of blood to the head and the hair follicles. Unfortunately, this shampoo is not for everyone, though, and is very effective. It has side effects: burning, itching, and even an allergic reaction. Although it does not happen at all. pepper tincture for hair growth has been used for a very long time, and you can cook it at home. The structure of a home remedy includes vodka or alcohol with the addition of red pepper. Peretz must be chili, preferably fresh, but is allowed and the use dried. It should be possible to finely chop and pour alcohol, and then insist for at least two weeks. Remember to stir and mix the liquid. pepper tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy, it is not expensive, and you do not need to spend their time and effort to its preparation.

Shampoo for hair growth. How to make your hair more beautiful?

It is also often added to the composition of the various hair masks. For example, a good choice is a mixture of castor oil and cosmetic balsam tincture itself. Shampoo for hair growth with their own hands

Shampoo for hair growth can be cooked on its own, not only on the basis of pepper. In order to grow hair for three to four centimeters per month, you need a cup of sea salt and a glass of honey and brandy.

Shampoo for hair growth. How to make your hair more beautiful?

The recipe is simple: mix all ingredients, insist them for two weeks and apply on hair as a regular shampoo. A positive result is provided.

How should wash your hair?

To trigger the acceleration of the growth of hair, little one shampoo. It should also be properly wash your hair. Do not try to use a lot of cosmetic products - enough to put only a small amount of the composition to wet hair and massage them carefully for a couple of minutes.