Home beauty salon: how to remove hair permanently at home

Solve problems

A problem such as excessive vegetation on the body, plagued by almost every woman. The reason for such a feature can be an excessive content in the blood of male hormone, and, in some cases, and genetic predisposition. But be that as it may, after a certain period of hair growth in unwanted places is becoming the main cause of dissatisfaction with their appearance for many women. Ways to get rid of a lot of hair. Some of them can resort only in reputable beauty salon. We are talking about such methods as getting rid of the hair with a laser epilation and electrolysis. As for the more primitive methods (shaving, wax strips cream for depilation and al.), Their application does not require high level of professionalism. But I am content with the result of their use is necessary for long: the hairs reappear on the body, not allowing to forget about themselves more than a week. How to remove hair permanently at home? And is it possible to solve this delicate problem without resorting to the services of specialists?

Home beauty salon: how to remove hair permanently at home

How to remove body hair permanently

Known expression "Beauty requires sacrifice" often moves the reason women seeking to bring your look to perfection. From radical methods to combat excessive hairiness body can get irreparable harm. In particular, it can cause burns upper layer of the epidermis. Drug treatment of this disease can lead to serious failure of the body's endocrine system. And, as a rule, many women turn to the sources of traditional medicine before you remove hair permanently. At home, make it easy, but you need patience. At the same time we must not forget that even folk remedies, once used by our great-grandmothers, should be used with caution. Let's try to stay on the more benign options and figure out how to remove hair permanently at home, using the properties of some plants.

Home beauty salon: how to remove hair permanently at home

Broth dope

This herb can be purchased at any pharmacy absolutely. In the preparation of the broth should follow the following ratio of the components: 150 g of dried plant and a liter of tap water. The resulting prolonged boiling strong decoction is necessary for three weeks in the refrigerator. After this time, a ready means you need to wipe the problem areas. It should be remembered that the dope - plant is poisonous, and it must be applied with extreme caution.

Home beauty salon: how to remove hair permanently at home

How to remove hair permanently at home with the help of potassium permanganate

This method is recommended if the unwanted hair growing all over her body. Dialing the amount of water in the bath, cook pale pink solution by adding a few crystals of potassium permanganate. For a noticeable decrease the amount of hair on the body is enough to take a bath in a week several times for 15-20 minutes.

Use of iodine

It turns out, brown liquid with a pungent odor is not only an effective antiseptic. Means prepared on its basis, particularly suitable for topical application. For example, if you want to remove facial hair permanently. On a small amount of iodine (1 5 g) is necessary to take a teaspoon cosmetic castor oil. There also add two drops of ammonia. All this is carefully diluted with 35 g of pure rubbing alcohol. After several hours the liquid becomes colorless, then it is possible to lubricate the problem areas. It is enough to use the tool a couple of times a day for several weeks.