How to do make-up: the little tricks

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How to do make-up: the little tricks

There are a few basics of how to do makeup. To the result of all your efforts come to fruition, it is necessary to give due attention to the skin. With the help of the corrector or concealer, you can easily hide the redness, spots, large pores and dark circles under the eyes. As a result, the facial skin will become smooth beautiful color. To give even more relief to some areas of the face make-up artists use the foundation of two different colors. The main secret of how to do make-up is applied correctly foundation. After all, none of us would like to get the mask effect and look unnatural. For this purpose, the pre-heating means warmth of your hands, apply it gently with fingertips, no smearing and easy hammering in the skin. Using light and dark tones, in order to hide the flaws, do not forget to shade the border. After all, knowing how to do make-up, you can visually radically change his natural face, while being the personification of beauty!

eye makeup

How to do make-up: the little tricks

turn to the eye makeup. It is the eye - it is something that primarily draws attention to the person looking at us. Knowing how to do eye makeup, you can if you wish to increase or, conversely, to visually reduce them. You will be able to come up with and implement their personality and mood. The main secret is any shade you choose, what technique they will be applied. For example, if you put a small amount of light shadows on the area under the curve of the eyebrows, the eyes visually increase, is lifted one eyebrow and his eyes will light and radiant. To create a more brilliant image and add sparkle to your eyes, use shades of bronze shades. Along the upper lash line growth, draw a wide strip using pearlescent shade. Make a clear view will help unbuttoned one more cunning and very effective reception. At the center of the upper eyelid using a blush or shadow, apply a small pink dots. This proven way to help give attractive glow to your look! Today there are a lot of different secrets of how to properly do makeup. And they are all very simple, but how effective! main nuances

How to do make-up: the little tricks

After learning the secrets of the correct make-up, armed with all the necessary knowledge, you can try on any image easily. But back to the eye makeup. No wonder it has long been the human eye called the mirror of the soul. All you can - it is to know how to do eye makeup, to give charm and expressiveness. All eyes in a special beautiful and distinguished by color, shape and depth. Unfortunately, with age, our eyes need a little adjusting. The benefit of many methods available today. It is important to stick to the golden mean, keeping in mind the main purpose. Cosmetics give women the opportunity to emphasize the strengths and skillfully disguise flaws!