Body Scrub. Homemade beauty recipes

Home Remedies

In today's world it is fashionable to look good and to actively take care of yourself. Unfortunately, a good and high-quality cosmetics today, not everyone can afford, but in any situation there is an exit. The beautiful half of humanity has learned to make high-quality tools on their own. This option not only saves time and money, but it allows you to fully control the composition of a cosmetic preparation. You can prepare your own masks, creams and body scrub.

What is a scrub

Body Scrub. Homemade beauty recipes

Scrub is a very important part of the line cosmetic products. It allows you to clean the skin deeply and thoroughly. It also helps to exfoliate dead skin particles of it. The result of his regular use is smooth, smooth, radiant and more youthful skin on the face and on the body. The whole secret of this wonder drug is small particulate matter - the so-called "abrasive substances." Body Scrub can be purchased in the store, but you can cook at home. In the latter case, you will be able to control the composition and hardness of the particles, making the mixture richer, or, conversely, very soft. The most famous is the coffee body scrub. The coffee mixture

It is a mixture of ground coffee in a coffee machine of whole, semi-skimmed cream and honey. The popularity of this scrub is caused not only by its excellent ability to refresh the skin, but its nutritional properties as well as excellent invigorating aroma. Apply makeup, like any other mixture, it should be circular massage movements over the entire body. The mean procedure time is from ten to fifteen minutes. It can be used for the base and the coffee grounds. If you mix this component with the juice of ginger root, you get a great body scrub against the run-off. Penetrating through the skin, it displays the excess fluid from the body. It should be applied after taking a shower, the best contrast.

scrub coconut

Body Scrub. Homemade beauty recipes

Many make a body scrub their hands from coconut. This natural ingredient may seem mild, but this property is very deceptive. Coconut because of its excellent abrasive qualities is not added, even in cosmetics for the face. The composition of the mixture is quite simple, it includes cosmetic clay, olive oil and chips itself. After all the components connected, they take thirty minutes to brew and to achieve the desired consistency, and then scrub can be used for other purposes. Scrub cellulite

Body Scrub. Homemade beauty recipes

Some types of scrubs, not only renew the skin, but also actively help fight cellulite. A good example is a combination of various seafood. The composition of such a mixture include kelp, cosmetic clay, sea salt and water. Most of the ingredients can be bought at a drugstore or cosmetic store. All components are mixed. Be careful with the amount of water, scrub should be thick enough. The composition is applied to the skin with light massage, wash it immediately is not necessary. Just five minutes on the skin will bring a significant effect.

Sugar scrubs

A good tool is also a sugar scrub. It perfectly cleanses the skin, tones it and stimulates active circulation. Components to create may vary. Sugar is mixed with both the ordinary shower gel, and essential oils.