From what to wear jeans Tips

Jeans - one of the most popular parts of the wardrobe of the modern person, whether man or woman. Initially, they were purely working clothes of miners America, but since then much water has flowed, and now no other thing can not boast such a variety of styles, ways of tailoring and colors, these pants made of denim.

From what to wear jeans Tips

What to wear jeans?

The simple answer dictates casual style - of course, with T-shirts and tops. However, everything is not so simple. Seasoned fashionista (or mod) may be having in your wardrobe just one pair of jeans, beat them in any style. By this, and should be sought. The main thing is that the model of trousers is well seated in the figure, was qualitatively sewed of good dense material. How to choose jeans-rounders? First, let's take a look in the mirror and critically evaluate yourself. Remember that the lower the landing jeans, the legs look shorter. What they have, the more noticeable flaws. Therefore, so fashionable now-skinny jeans are not for everyone, as well as the ubiquitous jeans boyfriends. On the other hand, the wide tube or model with patch pockets, cargo definitely dictate the style of the rest of the clothes and can not be combined with high heels, so think about the overall style of your wardrobe before you opt for these models.

From what to wear jeans Tips

Helpful Hints

If you need to pick one pair and in the feast and in the world, think about the classic smooth trousers standard for this type of clothing colors. You agree that wearing a gray jeans, dark blue, black or blue classic clothes can be of any color and shade. The less they will be the type of decoration rhinestones, embroidery or cuts, the more room for imagination, what to wear jeans this type.

job Clothing

In any case, for the office under them fit and form-fitting blouses long jackets. In everyday wear, choose the ensemble of simple T-shirt or sweater original colors. For trips out of town will complete your pants loose shirt or T-shirts. And, of course, what to wear jeans to a nightclub, but with the original bright tops that will highlight your personality? Just do not forget to pick up the appropriate occasion shoes. In this regard, jeans are versatile too. Starting and ending sandals heels - they can be selected in a harmonious combination with any pair of shoes.

From what to wear jeans Tips

A small conclusion

So to sum up all together, remember:

  • the main thing that jeans were comfortable and high quality sewn;
  • do not chase fashion, to objectively assess whether your particular model fit;
  • for everyday wear jeans, choose neutral colors - they come under a lot of clothes;
  • try to observe the overall style of the ensemble: jeans model complementary to their shirt or T-shirt, shoes expose in one key;
  • remember that this versatile clothing for all occasions, and what to wear with jeans, it's you and only you. Be original, do not be afraid to show imagination and create your own style.