How to lose fat belly quickly and effectively?

There are many causes of excess weight. We mention some of them, to better understand how to lose fat from the abdomen: constitutional features of metabolism, age, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, poor eating behavior, stress, pregnancy and childbirth. Each of these components requires special consideration and individual solutions, often with the assistance of specialists in various fields - endocrinologist, physiotherapist, neurologist, psychologist, fitness trainer or physical therapist. We should not forget about swimming and other sports combined, trains different muscle groups and increases the tone of the whole organism. Use rollers, or skiing in the winter to train the muscles of the abdomen, legs and buttocks, as well as back and shoulder girdle. Aerobic exercises are alternated with power classes.

How to lose fat belly quickly and effectively?

Every woman after the birth think about how to lose fat from the belly and pull it simultaneously. Stomach - problem area, and it is defined physiologically. And during pregnancy and breastfeeding hormones (oxytocin) promotes fat reserves. There is one rule that only train the abdominal muscles is impossible, as, thickening, they increase in volume of waist. Therefore, alternate different exercises for weight loss with varying amplitude.

How to lose fat belly quickly and effectively?

Exercise torsional

It is performed on the floor with a well-pressed loin. Legs bent at the knees, his hands are behind your head, elbows take aside. On the inhale lift the head and shoulder blades, and lifting the chin and on the exhale, take a starting position. Small range of motion, exercise rectus abdominis.

Exercise reversed twisting

Is performed in the same starting position, but at the same time you are, apart from the blades and head, lift the inspiratory pelvis and elbows are pointing to the opposite knee.

Exercise to raise the torso

Lying on the floor, bend your knees, hands behind his head infest. Lift the torso as the inspiration and guide the movement of the knees. Repeat 10 times.

Exercises to lift the legs

How to lose fat belly quickly and effectively?

Train the lower abs and executed with great amplitude. Sitting on a chair, you simply pick up the legs to the body. Now that you know how to lose fat from the abdomen through exercises. But do not forget about diets. For example, to quickly lose excess fat will not fasting, and calorie reduction products. When the apple diet, you simply replace one apple breakfast every day. After having dinner, but a little tighter - with the use of cereals, dietary meat, legumes. Do not overeat at night and drink plenty of mineral water. Many magazines and television programs provide advice on how to lose fat belly fast. But, listening to them, do not forget that the loss of water and exhaustion of the body are not allowed, and all the quick ways to have only a temporary effect. How to lose weight in the legs

Now let's look at how to lose fat from the legs. Perform this exercise every day for the hips: lying on his back, put his hands under the buttocks. Straight leg must be raised, and in a position to reduce and diluted ten times. It should also remember how to lose fat from the thighs. Get on your knees and put your hands on the belt, then sit on the left, then the right side until you feel fatigue in the muscles of the buttocks. Repeat daily for a number of approaches.