How to do a manicure at home: the secrets of beauty

Beauty Secrets: how to do a manicure at home

How to do a manicure at home: the secrets of beauty

In any situation, in any place and in society nail accuracy plays an important role. Some of the fairer sex do manicures in salons, where the master of the service charge a considerable sum. We'll tell you how to do a manicure at home yourself. For this we need tools that are usually found in any manicure set, namely:

  • nail file (required for natural, if you have "native" nails);
  • scissors to remove the cuticles;
  • scissors, clippers skin;
  • pusher and pumice.

In order to do manicure at home, it is also necessary to prepare small towel, a bowl with hot water, wool, nail polish remover, bath salt and liquid soap solution to remove cuticles and hand cream.

How to do a manicure at home: process description

How to do a manicure at home: the secrets of beauty

Performing a manicure should be done in the following order. Initially should be removed with nail polish and other ornaments, nail should be completely clean. To do this, use cotton wool and nail polish remover. Further, using the nail file, you need to give your nails the desired shape. It should be remembered that the rasp can only dry nails. Saw better from the edges toward the center of the nail. Next should be treated the cuticle, causing her a special tool, which prevents its further growth. Hold means for 2-3 minutes and then the lower arm in a bowl with hot water. There add salt bath (1 tablespoon slides without a glass of water) and a couple drops of liquid soap. Hold your hands in water for 5-10 minutes and proceed to the processing of cuticle. Soaked fingers with a towel, it is necessary to push the cuticle up, using manicure scapula. Further sharp side, remove the cuticle. Produce movement from the center to the edge of the nail. In order to get rid of burrs, use special cutters to the skin. At the end of the procedure apply to hand moisturizer, and then degrease the nails and apply a varnish. Now you know how to make the right manicure. How do edging manicure: description of the process

How to do a manicure at home: the secrets of beauty

Initially, you need to wash and disinfect hands, remove the nail polish nails and sawing process. All in the same way as in the ordinary manicure. Further it is necessary to make a solution which is composed of warm water and a few drops of liquid soap. There also some add and essential oil and sea salt, and lemon juice. The solution hands holding no more than 5 minutes. After that, the cuticle treatment. It is carried out with a stick with a rounded end. Soggy need to push the cuticles (to clean off with your fingers), starting with the little finger. Manicure almost ready. The final step is to use nail polish. Under the basic lacquer is better to put a tonic. And already painted nails can also be applied a clear lacquer or fixative. Now that you know how to do a manicure at home. Be always irresistible!