Running in the morning - good or harm? Tips for beginners

Those who only plans to jog, set a logical question: "Running in the morning - good or harm" If you delve into this topic and read the reviews of people, the opinions are divided about equally. One half believed that the morning jogging beneficial. In the other 50% is of the opposite opinion. But there is one feature. Most often, the representatives of the second half - it is the people who exercise a consulting physician is prohibited. Let's understand in more detail in this regard. So, what is running in the morning? Benefit or harm to the body? Let's start with the good.


Doctors call a run in the mornings the most affordable means to maintain health. And this is true: it is not necessary to buy expensive exercise equipment, sitting on a strict diet or fitness club. Enough suitable clothes and your desires. Here are some pros jogging:

- increased body tone and mood rises;

- strengthens the immune system;

- burn fat and normal metabolism;

- the body is saturated with oxygen, improves the activity of internal organs (especially heart and brain); - improving digestion;

- blood circulation is activated.

Running in the morning - good or harm? Tips for beginners


In response to the question "what is running in the morning - good or harm to the body" can be inclined to the second option, if thoughtlessly approach to the training process. To run benefited, follow these recommendations below:

1. Some believe that the harmful organism is stressed awake. Indeed, the heavy load immediately after waking assumes no benefit to the organism. But no one says that you need to run, just getting out of bed. Before training requires a good workout. If it is not done, the answer to the question "what is a morning jogging - benefit or harm" is evident.

2. In the chronic lack of time does not have to force yourself, and instead of the usual 7:00 wake up at 5. In this case it is better to move jogging over the weekend.

Running in the morning - good or harm? Tips for beginners

3. If in the morning you feel a strong sense of hunger, it is not necessary to go for a run with an empty stomach. Snack energy bar or some fruit. A square meal it will be possible after a workout. 4. Beginners should not take too high rate. Start with the usual walk, and after 5 minutes go to light jogging. The same applies to training time. To begin with 10 minutes would be sufficient. With increasing endurance, increase your workout.

Outfitting for running

Running in the morning - good or harm? Tips for beginners

If you choose the wrong training clothes, the lessons become a torment and will not bring positive results. For jogging in the summer it is recommended to wear a T-shirt and shorts. And they must be free and not hamper the movements. If jogging committed during the cold season, you need a sports suit cloth. No need to run to the rag sneakers or loafers. We need regular sneakers. Due to the dense soles, they are not only lower the load on the joints of the feet, but also to smooth out the bumps of the running surface.


I hope this article has helped you understand the question: "What is running in the morning - benefit or harm to health," And now you know the answer.