What to do if hair fall out: tips

On average, each person in a day should fall about 150 hairs. If they have long and thick, that visually it will seem that you lose more. Before you decide what to do if hair fall out, make sure it does not break off the tips. This often occurs as a result of thermal and chemical stresses. Take a magnifying glass and look at the fallen hair. If the tip of the thin, then you need to restore hair.

What to do if hair fall out: tips

Possible Causes

If the hair falls out, you must first determine the cause of the problem. Often this is due to some malfunction in the body, it will be useful to consult a doctor and resolve the issue with the specialist.

We say that the causes of hair loss more:

  • DHT - a special kind of hormones, they are in the top layer of your head and cause problems. If your family men start to go bald early, know that it is hereditary. In women, due to hormonal failure after childbirth much hair fall out.
  • Frequent stress reflected on the state of the organism as a whole. And this is directly related to hair. Try to pay less attention to the little things in life more relaxing and fun. Try to drink soothing herbs.
  • Improper care and use of substandard assets leads to the fact that scratches his head and hair falls out. Pick cosmetics in accordance with its type of hair.
  • Chemical attack. Without it anywhere now, and even poor environmental radiation situation and so on. Antibiotics and various drugs, do not use without a doctor's prescription.
  • Malnutrition affects the condition of hair. You need to diversify the diet that the body receives all the necessary substances, especially vitamins A and E. In addition to the food you need to monitor the quality of water that you wash your hair. It is better to use boiled.

What to do

If the hair falls out, do not self-medicate. The reasons can be much more serious, it is better to consult a specialist. What to do if hair fall out? Can help some folk ways:

What to do if hair fall out: tips

- Grate the onion, squeeze the juice and rub into the scalp. Hold for 20 minutes, wrapped head with a towel.

- Burdock oil - a great way to get rid of hair loss. Rub it into the scalp, hold for thirty minutes and rinse thoroughly. - Rinse your hair with water and lemon or a decoction of herbs.

- The mask of egg yolk and honey strengthens the hair. Put it on 15 minutes and rinse.

Proper hair care

Use a hairbrush with natural bristles. Make a head massage at least 5 minutes. It will increase blood circulation and stimulate hair growth. Do not let the shock of hair is dirty. Use a gentle shampoo, preferably from natural herbs. Do not give anyone your comb.

What to do if hair fall out: tips

A small conclusion

Now that you know what to do if hair fall out, and everything is in your hands. But before you can use a variety of means, it is better to consult a specialist and undergo an examination to the problem turned out to be more serious than you realize.