Rosemary oil: recipes for hair recovery

Such a useful rosemary

Rich composition, a pleasant aroma and a lot of useful properties of rosemary resulted in widespread use in various areas of our lives. It is used in cooking when cooking meat and fish, is used as a medicament for the disposal of a variety of diseases as a cosmetic preparation to improve skin and hair conditions. In the course are as fresh leaves of plants and essential oils from different parts of the plant.

The essential oil of rosemary hair

Rosemary oil: recipes for hair recovery

To restore the structure of hair, scalp healing and stimulate the growth of rosemary is used in various forms. You can add to your shampoo rosemary oil (a few drops) and you will see results in a few weeks. For a more intense exposure may have different procedures.

A mixture of oils to enhance hair growth and strengthening of horses

rosemary oil has a light texture, it is easily absorbed and does not clog skin pores. But use it undiluted risky - it may be irritation or even a skin burn symptoms. To prepare the mixture, stimulating hair growth, the following oils: wheat germ (1 spoon), almond (1/2 spoon), avocado (3 spoons), lecithin (1-2 spoons) and rosemary oil (15-20 drops). All components are poured into a jar or bottle and let stand for at least an hour. before applying

Rosemary oil: recipes for hair recovery

to warm in a water bath. Apply on the scalp soft, slow massage movements. Hold the composition for 10 minutes, then wash her hair with warm water and a gentle shampoo. Regularly use the oil of rosemary, and your hair will shine and become healthy.

The recipe for strengthening hair roots

Against copious hair loss will help the following means: a dark glass bowl pour 1/2 cup of warmed olive oil, put there a couple of twigs of rosemary, add 5 drops of rosemary essential oil natural. Currently, oil is applied to the scalp leisurely massage movements. Then wet towel in hot (warm) water, warm press and wrap the hair. Keep the compress for about 30 minutes, then wash the head with shampoo. This means not only activates hair growth and strengthens them, but also make thin hair stronger, solve the problem of brittle hair, making it smooth and elastic.

The oil of rosemary for oily hair

Rosemary oil: recipes for hair recovery

In order to solve this problem, jojoba oil add 5 drops (approximately) juniper oil, rosemary, cinnamon and cloves. All thoroughly mixed. Apply makeup to hair massage movements before going to wash my hair, insulated and wait 20-30 minutes. After a few weeks, the problem will disappear. For the prevention continue to use the mixture once a week. The oil of rosemary for dry hair

To get rid of dandruff and dryness, take wheat germ oil, add to it 5 drops (approximately) geranium oil, rosemary and tea tree, all the mix. For the treatment using a mixture before washing the head (at least 2-3 times per week). Once the issue is resolved, to maintain the effect is sufficient to use a mixture of two times a week.

From history essential oils

For the first time the essential oils of various plants have learned to get back in Mesopotamia more than 5000 years ago. No less popular were they in ancient China and Egypt. They were able to produce in ancient Persia and India. Today industry produces hundreds of names of essential oils as a familiar and exotic for us. The main thing is not to make a mistake and buy natural oil, not flavored fake.