Essential oils of cellulite blind from itself Aphrodite

Essential oils of cellulite - the best assistants of women!

Beauty - is what our eyes emit. The light that comes from our hearts and illuminates the world, depends on many factors. This general state of health and mood, and self-perception. But a bright source of warmth and kindness can go out if the female body will face such an unpleasant ... like cellulite. Unexpected guest makes frantically search for methods of getting rid of him. And only a few people know that essential oils - the real salvation!

Essential oils of cellulite blind from itself Aphrodite

The impact of oil on the body

Essential oils for cellulite help to improve blood circulation. Due to this general tone of the skin increases, it becomes more supple and elastic. Fat cells are split, there is an outflow of interstitial fluid. The success of any procedure is determined not only its effectiveness, but also a number of contributing factors. That is why the fight against the main enemy of all women need to be combined with proper nutrition and physical activity.

What are the essential oils against cellulite?

• Grapefruit oil. Like all citrus oils, it improves

Essential oils of cellulite blind from itself Aphrodite

circulation and normalize fluid balance.

• Oil of lemon. Excellent burns fat, whitens skin, helps heal scars. Huge influence lemon oil has on the skin.

• Tangerine oil. The main function - removal of stretch marks and preventing their appearance. Typically used in combination with other citrus fruit.

• Orange oil. Unchallenged leader among the components of anti-cellulite treatments. Essential oil of orange against cellulite gives the skin a beautiful view, making it healthy. Also it is perfect dry skin and skin prone to inflammation.

• Grape seed oil. As a natural antioxidant, easily removes harmful substances from the tissues, normalizing work cell membranes. This oil penetrates deep into the skin without clogging pores.

• Almond oil. Fountain of youth. Accelerates cell recovery, eliminating the inflammation and vascular Stars (true cellulite satellites). Almond oil softens the skin and slows down aging.

Treatments using oils

Essential oils of cellulite blind from itself Aphrodite

Usually, essential oils cellulite combined with each other. Such mixtures are helping to get rid of "orange peel" because of special procedures: • Anticellulite massage. Diluted esters presses rubbed in a circular motion by means of rigid mitten.

• Enrichment of anti-cellulite creams blends include:

- a drop of geranium, lavender, rosemary and three drops of juniper;

- 8 drops of lavender and lemon oil, 10 drops of thyme, rosemary 15 drops.

• Access to the sauna, bath. In this procedure, it is recommended to use peppermint oil, sandalwood, juniper.

• Aromatic bath. The water temperature of such baths should not exceed your body's temperature. Combine lemon, rosemary and thyme oil. Pre-dissolve this mixture in milk, kefir, yogurt, so as not to get burned. bath time - 30 minutes.

Essential oils for cellulite will help you look great. One only has to remember that these procedures should be carried out regularly, and the first results will be seen within six weeks.