How to build hands in the home quickly and efficiently

Training Hand

When people are wondering how to pump up your hands at home, of course, they are referring to is most often an increase in the amount of muscle groups like biceps and triceps. This part of the body can be as quick to come to the desired result, and never approach him. It depends not only on the intended purpose, but also on training techniques. With regard to genetics, there is no such person, who could not create large hands, if it is, of course, no question of such volumes, which can be observed in today's professional athletes in bodybuilding. So to work out the muscles of the upper limbs do not need sophisticated equipment: enough to have a collapsible dumbbells, a small bar and bench options.

How to build hands in the home quickly and efficiently


The most simple, but very effective exercises allow both hands to pull up and give them a certain amount of volume, from the comfort of your own home. For example, very efficacious in this respect lifts dumbbell or barbell for biceps and concentrated flexion used as an additional element for the muscles of the pump at the end of training. For triceps perfect push-ups, reverse push-ups, extension arms from behind the head, and so on. D. If there is a bench and a power rack, you can perform a bench press close grip. Naturally, to solve the problem of how to pump up your hands at home, it will not be possible only with the help of some exercises: the need to use effective methodology. The technique of training

Any muscle group only grows under the influence of certain factors, or a combination of literacy. Defined hands for 5 - 10 cm in circumference can be in 3 - 6 months to any person with average genetic predisposition using competent method. The first step is to apply the most effective exercises. In addition, you need to follow the training regime, aimed at a set of muscle mass. This means that almost all the exercises you need to follow these parameters load as run-time approach, the number of repetitions, length of the pause between sets, in accordance with a common purpose. In addition, to answer the question of how to pump up your hands at home, you need to know the limits exercise tolerance own body.

How to build hands in the home quickly and efficiently

The frequency of workouts

The generally accepted opinion that the biceps and triceps amenable to exploring effective during muscle set, only if worked about once every 5 - 7 days. When a part of the training, they may simply not have time to recover, leading to a slowdown in the growth process of the results, ie volumes. The total load on a given area of ​​the body during the sessions should be limited to a value of about 10 - 12 business approaches. If you perform each exercise for 3 sets, the total amount of their training get about 3 - 4.

How to build hands in the home quickly and efficiently

The main parameters of training

stress intensity should be such that the end of the working set occurred noticeable fatigue working muscles. Within massonabornogo runtime mode approach should range from 25 to 40 seconds, and the number of repetitions - from 6 to 12 and the breaks - from 120 to 180 seconds. So, it is clear Thu question about how to pump up your hands at home, it can not be resolved easily. However, with the right approach, anyone can increase shoulder at least 10 - 15 cm from the dotrenirovochnogo values.