What do the white spots on the nails

What it is?

Probably each of us is faced with the phenomenon of white dots on the nails. As a rule, the majority does not give it much attention. Have you ever wondered, what is it? Portrayed in different points of view on this matter.

What do the white spots on the nails

According to folk wisdom, white spots on the nails - this is the result of a strong shock or stress. In medicine, this disease is called Leukonychia. As a rule, such a problem faced by many springtime, and one - two white spots on the nails is not a reason for concern. This is most likely a consequence of metabolic disorders. From a scientific point of view, called the following reasons for their occurrence:

  1. The shortage in the body of any vitamins.
  2. A possible malfunction of the nervous system, frequent stress and irritation.
  3. The fungal infection.
  4. improper operation of the cardiovascular system.
What do the white spots on the nails

How to determine the cause of their own?

Reveal the true cause of these age spots by virtue of a specialist. If the situation is not so urgent to go to the doctor, you can find out why there are white spots on the nails at home on their own, consider the following points. First, carefully inspect the nails, if spots - the phenomenon of a single, then do not worry, most likely in the body there is a lack of zinc and iron. If white spots on the nails of the feet and hands are proliferating rapidly, it is necessary to address urgently to the hospital to donate blood for analysis. Secondly, looking around the spots carefully if their shape is more like parallel stripes across the nail, it is a clear sign of the lack of proteins. In this case it is necessary to take time off from the diet, as further lack of protein can lead to disruption of the entire body. If the size and the number of spots is not reduced, then a possible cause in poor protein digestibility, and further treatment is prescribed by a doctor to you. Third, if the white spots on the nails appear at the base, it is likely that, in the case of renal failure. Fourth, chaotically located spots usually are a symbol of microtrauma. This phenomenon is not uncommon with the carelessly manicure or if there was a direct contact with aggressive detergents. If you notice one big spot, it is necessary to treat your nerves, because such pigment manifestations - the result of severe stress.

What do the white spots on the nails

Salt bath

Determine the cause, because of which there are white spots on the nails of hands, you must start the appropriate treatment. Versatile and highly effective method is salt bath. There are several options for the preparation of such baths, consider the most simple of them:

  • It is necessary to make the parsley. Next, take 1 cup of the resulting solution and add to the same tablespoon of salt. As a rule, use either the sea or a special bath. Keep hands in the solution for 20 minutes.
  • Heat half a cup of olive oil, then add the juice of one lemon. The procedure should be carried out for at least 20 minutes.
  • Steep oak bark and chamomile in equal proportions, lower arms in the solution for 5 minutes.