Will the soda bath to lose weight?

Baking soda can be used not only in cooking but also in the economy. However, in addition to the excellent cleaning properties, it is the substance and features that allow to use it for cosmetic purposes. Did you know that soda bath - this is one of the easiest ways to lose weight?

How useful soda?

Will the soda bath to lose weight?

Soda baths not only help lose weight, but a positive effect on the skin. They make it smooth and elastic, helping to cope with allergies and irritations. With regular courses of the procedure can significantly tighten the skin after severe weight loss. Help bath with baking soda to diet and get rid of edema. Do not believe those who will tell you that the procedure burns fat. Of course, this is impossible, but using it in combination with other actions the disintegration of adipose tissue is really faster.

How to take a bath with baking soda?

Will the soda bath to lose weight?

Recipes There are several, but the basic principles are the same for everyone. To acted soda bath, after reception should not be less than one hour soak in the warm blanket. If possible, it makes sense to do such a bath before going to bed. Can not be disclosed, even if it gets very hot - sauna effect is needed. Another important point - the water temperature, it should not be below 37 degrees, than hot, the better. Do not forget that liquid will cool down, and should be added to the hot periodically. Soda bath is contraindicated in diseases of the heart and blood vessels. But even healthy people should not be submerged in water up to his chest. Recommended time of being in water for 20-25 minutes. After that should wipe dry, put on pajamas or nightgown (preferably made of thick fabric) and go under the covers. It is impossible to take a shower after a bath, the solution should remain on the skin. Soda Bath: recipe

Will the soda bath to lose weight?

First, dial the required amount of hot water. Dissolve it in a pack of baking soda (1 kg) pound of sea salt. The proportions are for a standard bath, the salt is desired over the counter, without aromatic supplementation. The procedures required to be carried out courses. Ten sessions with the schedule every day or every other day. Followed by a break for two months, after which you can repeat the course. Soda bath for weight loss reviews are mostly positive. But some women have tried this remedy, complain of dry skin and flaking. If you are familiar with this problem, try to add a few tablespoons of any vegetable oil. Also, to soften the skin perfectly suitable milk - a standard bath need one liter. In order for the procedure has become more pleasant, allowed to introduce essential oils. Suffice it to just a few drops, it is possible to use one or more different oils immediately. Do not forget that to lose weight with the help of only one bath is unlikely to succeed. It is necessary to choose a diet and exercise system that will come in handy, and other cosmetic procedures, such as body wraps and regular application special cosmetics to the skin in problem areas.