Drying muscles in bodybuilding

Workout in the gym in the presence of the same sports equipment and conditions can have different goals and lead to different results. It all depends on your exercise program. muscle building - is the result of using a heavy weight and a small number of repetitions and approaches, and for the relief of muscular figure needed drying of muscles. Classes in the training mode, have a number of distinctive features.

Drying muscles in bodybuilding

The general idea of ​​the drying of muscles

The process of training, which aims to drying of muscles occurs in the following scenario: the work of the trainers go with a lighter weight weights than conventional training, and lots of repetitions. In addition, to obtain the desired result you need to minimize the time of rest between repetitions of the same type of exercise (at least 60 seconds). The total duration of the training is also reduced (approximately 45 minutes) without losing

Drying muscles in bodybuilding

with the productivity, ie. A. Due to the nature of this type of activities in a short time the muscles have time to get serious burden. In this process fat burning is accelerated, and its duration is increased after the exercise. To drying of muscles held correctly and effectively, the ideal would be a six-day training program. When compiling it should be noted that the study of each muscle group should be repeated 2 times a week. For example, if you exercise on Monday focused on the development of the chest muscles and triceps, then on Thursday will need to re-enable them in the training program. Useful several times a week (3-5 days) to supplement the basic load any cardio gym. Benefits of cardio bodybuilding

Drying muscles in bodybuilding

Cardio - is any form of active exercise, such as jogging, cycling, etc. This type of training is aimed primarily at the development of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems... Therefore, in order not to harm the body, it is desirable to use the heart rate monitor. So it will be easier to monitor your heart rate and adjust the intensity of the load. In bodybuilding cardio are of great importance in conjunction with the power load. Especially effective will pass drying muscles if perform after the main cardio exercise program, ie. K. A first part of the exercise as the power supply of carbohydrate to be used in the form of glycogen in muscle, which has been accumulated in the muscles, and only after 30-40 minutes in the flow go subcutaneous fat. Thus, after cardio strength exercise is optimal one for burning fat and muscle allocation pattern, and which is aimed at drying muscles. Of even greater importance it has in the fight against fat deposits in the abdominal area. After some abdominal exercises can only strengthen the muscles but not to burn fat reserves. Therefore, drying of the abdominal muscles is achieved in conjunction with weight training cardio. In addition to the essential training diet low intake of carbohydrates, and using a high-protein products.