Return of shoes in the store

Many often after buying the shoes are a guarantee for it. But she is just lying in the box, and not waiting in the wings. Typically, such a card is issued for a month,

Return of shoes in the store

, and later it was a period of time shoes begins to fall apart before our eyes. What we can do in this situation? And how to bring shoes to the store?

What you need to know the buyer?

After returning from the store, we usually throw away the box with a check. Is it possible to refund the money or shoes? Many will say with certainty: "No!". In fact it is not. The buyer needs to know some information that will help him in this matter. First, you need to take into account the fact that, in accordance with the law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights, shoes - this is a seasonal item.

Return of shoes in the store

The warranty for such a purchase should begin from the moment when the corresponding season begins. The time of its occurrence is determined taking into account the climatic conditions in which the buyer resides. Therefore, buying winter shoes in the summer, it should be understood that the warranty period begins to act only with the onset of November. Article 18 of the Law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights states that in case he is entitled to discovery buyer deficiencies in the goods: to carry out the return of shoes to replace the same product, to change to a more expensive or cheap goods to the conversion of its initial value, to demand a reduction of its price to request the rectification of deficiencies free of charge, to demand refund of the full amount of money. One of the important points for the consumer is the product warranty period. One month is rated warranty on the purchase. Article 19 of the Law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights suggests that, if the warranty period is not less than two years and a month later, the shortcomings were found, in two years you can implement a return of shoes in the store in accordance with the requirements specified in Article 18 of the Act. If the goods are spoiled not your fault, you can safely go with them to the seller. How to behave in the store?

Return of shoes in the store

Quite often, intending to make the return of shoes, we understand that the check has been lost, and the warranty period has long expired. A man comes into the store with the claims of the seller, who looks puzzled and says that he is not entitled to any refund the shoes, nor change it, nor give money spent on it. In fact this is not true. After all, a person has certain rights. He just needs to clearly know the legislation that deals with this issue and, referring to it, to assert their rights. And the law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights states that the absence of receipt of the goods is not a reason to refuse the buyer to satisfy his demands. It is well known that the tape checks always print them twice, and all data on completed purchases are stored in specific journals and tables. Goods, which will see that you know exactly what you want, you go immediately to meet and fulfill all your requirements. The main thing is not to lose self-confidence and a good knowledge of the law, which is always on the side of the consumer.