The three main ways to lose weight in a week to 10 kg

About the dream of many a slim figure, and in the struggle for the ideal parameters of all good. Someone immersed in sport, the other suffers a rigid diet, the third enlists the aid of a surgeon. Let us weigh all the means by which you can lose weight in a week to 10 kg. The loss of so many kilograms - no laughing matter, so sort out the different methods in detail.

The three main ways to lose weight in a week to 10 kg

Fasting days

Let's face it, in order to lose weight in a week to 10 kg, you do not have enough pairs of hungry days. I have to endure all week and sit on a rigid diet. The main thing here - do not stop it abruptly. Leave it must smoothly and gradually increasing portions and a set of products. By the way, if you want to save the result, the size of the servings should be the size of your palm, and on the other boards of nutrition here we will not say.

Buckwheat plus yogurt

Such a diet guarantees you good news after weighing. More than a week to maintain it not only not necessary, but also dangerous, but the essence of it is very simple, even the cook does not have to. Pour boiling water over buckwheat at night, do not add spices. During the day, eat buckwheat in almost unlimited quantities and drink low-fat yogurt. Kefir can drink no more than a liter, but the water no limits. So weight loss for the week to 10 kg is guaranteed. From head to the sport

The three main ways to lose weight in a week to 10 kg

In this case, you no promises that you can lose weight in a week to 10 kg, it all depends on your constitution, love of sport and exercise. An untrained person can easily get hurt and end up in the hospital, though, if you look at the hospital diet, it is also a way to lose weight. Sport should probably be your assistant, not an end in itself. Choose aerobic exercise, they will help to get rid of calories and strengthen blood vessels. In addition, if you play sports every time you want to eat, you are exactly properly reset. A feeling of hunger dulls sport perfectly. Here's your training plan:

- Running every morning and evening for 2 km, not necessarily fast, you can jog or a brisk pace.

- Power load: 25 minutes daily. Rock press, buttocks, do push-ups, sit-ups. It's very simple, but effective.

- aerobic exercise: active, fast dance for 30 minutes or jumping rope not less than three hundred times.

- Optional: swimming in the pool - 2 x 40 minutes in an intensive pace, the active cleaning of the house - 2 x 30 minutes, walking outdoors.

Treat this as a recipe that you wrote the doctor. Follow all instructions exactly one week, possibly addicted to this sport track and continue on its own initiative.

The three main ways to lose weight in a week to 10 kg

Getting rid of water

Our main weight is the water that accumulates our body. And if you wonder how to lose weight in 1 week to 10 kg, it is sufficient only to rid the body of water. This is simply done by a variety of diuretics and laxatives. Many of them are based on natural ingredients and absolutely harmless. However, the consequences can be far from you please. This is because such a stress on the body is harmful for the entire overall health: kidneys do not work well, the skin droops, complexion fades, the nervous system is shaken. In addition, the results from such a diet for a long time is not saved, as it is sad. So here we advise, we will not, but as an option to lose weight in a week to 10 kg in order to fit into a wedding dress, leave.