Does solarium acne

Today it has become very fashionable to visit a solarium. Enjoy the solarium, both women and men. It is said that this solar device has many useful properties, that its rays are good for the entire body, in addition, its rays the skin is dried. So solarium rid of acne in just a few sessions. But not every person can approach this procedure. For example, you can not use the solarium if you have problems with heart, kidney, thyroid and nervous system. It is not recommended to use ultraviolet rays during pregnancy and the menstrual cycle, as well as predisposition to cancer.

Does solarium acne

Answers to important questions

If you have dry skin of the face, do not go to the solarium, acne is not a save, but only bring problems. This will lead to dehydration of the skin, dryness and irritation. If you day sunbathing in a natural way, in the same day, it is not necessary to make an artificial tan. New visitors to ultraviolet tanning do not know how many minutes to go to the solarium, in this case you should consult a dermatologist. After all, only a doctor can tell you everything about your skin type and how much time you can devote a session. How to use a solarium - that question you can answer the staff establishment. They will tell you about the existence of cosmetics, specially created for tanning ultraviolet rays, except that in the tanning bed you should use eye protection. During the month of sunbathing can be up to 15 times. If the solarium treatments for acne did not help, and even new ones, you need to use cleaning and anti-mask.

Does solarium acne

Cosmetics for solarium

Sunscreen for normal tanning, which we constantly take to the beach, it is not suitable for tanning. For this purpose there is a special kind of cosmetics, it is faster and deeper creates and maintains the tan. Every self-respecting salon has data beauty products of different brands. All cosmetics divided into three types. The first - developers, followed by promoters and final type - fixers. Help developers acquire a tan activators enhance it, and fixers, moisturizing the skin, applied after the session solarium. suntan cosmetics has many useful substances, such as coconut oil, hemp and oxygen complex. All cosmetic products, used in the solarium should contain antioxidants, they reduce the damage caused by ultraviolet rays. Apply them for half an hour before the session to ensure that all components are fully absorbed.

Does solarium acne

A little bit about the main

But the most important in the solarium is not considered the unit itself or even cosmetics, which we have just mentioned, and the professional experience of the staff. That it should help customers with all the golden rules. Literacy employee in the session duration and choosing the right equipment - here on what to look for when visiting the salon. At the first visit session duration should not exceed 7 minutes, and the break should be more than 24 hours. And if you can not get rid of after coming to the solarium from acne you should consult a professional dermatologist who can help you with this problem.