How to build muscle? Many answers to one question

Beautiful body - Dream or Reality

A lot of guys, watching movies Defined men, destroying everything and everyone around, eager to improve their bodies through systematic use of the gym. However, after some time such personnel notice that they do not have the desired results, because it is very slowly increasing the volume and weight in the gym will remain the same. Well, how to build muscle and increase strength gains? Let's try to answer these 2 questions.

How to build muscle? Many answers to one question

Bodibilding Art

The first thing to remember all newcomers: bodybuilding - is not only dull pulling iron, making your muscles in a week will be a T-shirt Bouguereau. It is much more difficult sport. Why? Let's talk later. So, how to build muscle? Of course, it is, firstly, regular visits to the gym. However, it is important to train properly. It is desirable to ensure that at least the first month you consulted a professional coach. For wealthy people can stretch this condition for the whole period of your workouts. Secondly, it should follow a specific diet, which is very different when working on the weight (increase due to an increase in muscle mass and adipose body weight) and drying (burning excess fat to 5-8%). It is important to note that the gain lean muscle mass - a myth. In any case, whether you are an ectomorph (thin build people) or endomorph (whipped and fat people), while building mass you will increase and the amount of fat. The third factor is adherence, ie the need to sleep 8-9 hours, eat regularly, to lead a more active lifestyle as possible. And finally, the last - it supplements, but more of them will be discussed later. As you can see, the question of how to build muscle mass, is fraught with a lot of answers, which is worth considering.

How to build muscle? Many answers to one question

Power as an important key to success

Some professional bodybuilders claim that the food - it's 60-70% success rate. At first glance, stupid, but it is not. Power - this is one of the main components of your success in bodybuilding. Many athletes know that the right diet - it is a large amount of protein consumed (2-3 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight), slow carbohydrates (various cereals), unsaturated fats and vitamins. When working on the weight ratio of the carbohydrates / protein / fat should be about 60/30/10. On drying for each individual figures may be different, however, the most important task is to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and fat. Bodybuilders on the weight of 3500-4000 calories eaten that on drying is reduced to 2000-2500. This is the first response inherent in the question of how to build muscle.

How to build muscle? Many answers to one question

Sports additives and steroids

This is a fairly sensitive issue, because many people at the mention of either protein gainer without a doubt say that it's chemistry, the way to sores and so on. Let immediately feature: sports food - additive is intended to improve these or other indicators that are derived from natural products (milk, whey, eggs, etc...); steroids - it's different pharmacological agents that mimic the process of action of male sex hormones - testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. The first group includes proteins, Creatine, BTSAA, creatine, glutamine and zhiroszhigateli. The latter all drugs, a profound effect on hormones. And if even the sports nutrition is recommended to use, anabolic steroids before the course is to answer to himself a single question: "Do I need it?" If true, then all those tales about steroids exaggerated, and therefore a man will not become impotent after the first year and will not go to the grave (of course, with the right hand), however, after the end of the course there is the so-called rollback, which implies a loss of 10-30% gain weight. Someone might say that those 70-90% also did not interfere, however, after a person finishes the reception of anabolic steroids, it is very difficult to recover in the natural range of the mass. Therefore, how to build muscle: using anabolic steroids or not - this is everyone has to decide for himself. And what? How to quickly build muscle? Here are 2 answer: nothing or using steroids (and then spread over 3-6 months).

How to build muscle? Many answers to one question

bodybuilding Motivation and aspiration

Believe me - these two words are very important. There is always some sort of motivation must be present. Many frustrated after months of training and throw the sport, because it does not achieve even the slightest results. Why? Most likely, the wrong train. How to build muscle? With the power we have understood. However, it is important and training. As mentioned earlier, to get started is to hire a certified trainer who would help you to make the program work and food. Beginners should visit the Hall of no more than 3 times per week, and more prepared people - no more than 5-6. Those people who are swinging 5-6 times a week, do tend to be a complete break in training. For example, on Monday, they shake their breasts, on Tuesday - back, etc. What..? On this, perhaps, everything. On the key question of how to build muscle, we responded. I wish you success!