Forms beard: that someone will approach?

Beard can afford not all men. To grow it, as a rule, for two main reasons: to hide facial imperfections or, on the contrary, to emphasize the dignity. History beard begins with the ancient times. Primitive people wore it constantly. However, this was more a forced measure, rather than an aesthetic function. In Russia, the presence of beards for men was considered mandatory. The men carefully approached to treatment thereon. She was considered a gift from God. Types beards were different, but they should be properly beautiful shape, otherwise, a man with an unpleasant ragged beard could easily count the inferior man, and even provided a special punishment for him. But that is a completely different material.

Forms beard: that someone will approach?

The intelligence available

If you pay attention to the great writers, scientists of the time, it is not difficult to see that all of them had beards. Brush up portraits of those whose books we read as children. Their authors are happy to wear beards. This sees something very enlightened and intelligent. If you too have decided to grow a this element of the image, it is time to consider the different types of beards and choose the suitable for you. After all, the main thing that it was to face. With proper selection of the beard, the types of which there are more than a dozen, it is necessary to take into account parameters such as the shape of the face and physique. You can often find people on the street, which is very harmonious look like with a beard, and some, on the contrary, it is not. The essence of his beard - to bring its owner more charm.

Forms beard: that someone will approach?

Image - all

If you have light skin and dark hair, it is best to refrain from too voluminous beard - it will contrast with your appearance, but if in the presence of light skin your beard red, the most massive and you will be very welcome. It is also worth to take into account when choosing the length of the element image of a man. Agree, it would be extremely ironic if the man with a small growth will be too long beard, and vice versa. Particular person fit only certain types of beards. Let us examine this in more detail. For men with square face shape suitable lightweight, unobtrusive beard that can give a visual oval. Oval face will adorn a bushy beard and at the same time it will reduce the visual (such image element can grow up to 2 weeks). For men with a round face for a small oval-shaped beard. But the triangular type of person decorate his beard with a light beard.

Forms beard: that someone will approach?

What kinds of hairstyles are beards?


  • Balbo - the creation of a "T" at the bottom of the chin. There are two variations of wearing a beard with a mustache and one without.
  • Full beard - hair located on the cheeks, chin and connected with a mustache. The ideal type for those who do not like to frequent the mirror.
  • Beard along the contour of the face. Hair located strictly on the edge of the face and gently moving in a mustache (and can not).
  • Boroda- "strip" - uncomplicated hairstyle, which is a strip extending from the lower lip to the end of his chin.
  • "mutton chops" - beard is difficult to call. This type is more like whiskers, calling on cheekbones and cheeks.
  • Beard "scrap" - similar to borodu- "strip", but growing in the form of strands. It can be worn alone or combined with any other type.
  • Light bristles - perfect for men who prefer a hairstyle "bald".

Enumerate types of beards can be a very long time. We talked about the most common and popular option.