10 things that I would like to hear in their 20s

10 things that I would like to hear in their 20s

Over the years, we have increasingly sozhalaem past mistakes, and sometimes there is a desire to turn back the clock and do things differently. And so many stupid things a lot of us have done in his youth! Introduce you to an article in which the author asks the question: what would he himself advised, if he could talk to 20-year-old is? Perhaps these tips will be useful at any age.

Recently, I was 30 years old. So, summing up the past ten, I realized how many mistakes and follies committed. Here are a few tips that I would give myself 20 years.

1. Travel

Now you do not have much responsibility, so the trip. When you're 30, it will want to travel quite a different way: to live in a nice hotel and dine at the best restaurants. So mine money and enjoy low-cost travel.

Travel to learn something new and experience the world. Travel the unexplored places that challenge you and make you think about who you want to be.

2. Create a new

Do not spend too much time working on other people. Formulate your own view of the world (see first paragraph) and think about where you'd like to spend my life.

If you have found a place in the corporation and plan to ever retire from there - do it right away. Go away. Do not waste your time in vain, generate their own ideas, to give them all their strength.

3. Read the

Read it every day. Read everything you can read. Is not limited to reading what you already know. Read about the people. Read people.

4. Stop watching TV

Right now. TV will not help you get better.

5. Trust

Even if it kills your relationship. Even if it destroys your ideas. Even if you lose your friends.

Trust the people as long as they are not forced to doubt them. But do not be too naive, some really better to send to hell.

6. Create strong links

People - this is the best and the worst thing that can happen to you. Some will help you move forward. Others will pull you down and can only pick up. Most of them are quite normal. A lot of good. Some are just wonderful.

Only a few people will be able to change your life forever. Find them. You do not have a lot of friends. You need wonderful people who help at the right time, just as you can and you can help them.

7. Appreciate time

Do not waste your time on people who do not trust. Do not waste your time with loved ones, which change you. Do not waste your time with friends who do not treat you as you treat them. I appreciate other people's time. Some may say that this is nothing to worry if you're late. This is not true. If you are late, then you absolutely do not care about people, and you put yourself above them.

8. Know how to play

Defeat in love. Defeat in communication. Defeat in friendship. The defeat in the family. Defeat in the work.

We all have failures, and that's fine. But try to remember each of his lesson. If you do not learn from your mistakes, you ruined everything done before. If you learn to any errors, then you grow. With each passing lesson you understand how to move towards success.

9. Know how to succeed

Not finding what dobeshsya all purposes in their 20s, not so fast. But working on it right now, and everything will turn out.

10. Have patience

Be patient. There is nothing worse than a rush to do anything. No worse than the building, built in a hurry, and nothing really unique is not created in an instant.