Jade Stone - properties, magic and facts

The most popular gemstone jade has a rich history and a wide range of applications. He became famous among different peoples and, as a consequence, has many names. Poonam, jade, clumsy, Maori - all of this jade stone, the properties of which are truly impressive. Very solid rock. Its color can range from yellow to dark shades of green and grassy. There is also white, black and red jade, but they are not widespread and are found mainly in China. Beauty all over the world love jewelry made of jade and among a large assortment of jewelry always give preference to them. His colorful play of play on light and beckon with its mystery.

Jade and health benefits

It is indisputable that the noble stone jade properties, which are unique, was used by the ancient Greeks. For example, they used it for medicinal purposes - for the treatment of urogenital system. Hence its name: "nefritos" from Greek - "renal". Additionally, the stone has a positive effect on the body and in other diseases. If you wear ornaments made of jade, can greatly alleviate rheumatism and bruises.

Jade Stone - properties, magic and facts

In diseases of the digestive system, even it ingested. It is surrounded by a sufficiently large number of legends, stories about their own miraculousness. Empress and kings, and the simple ordinary citizens for decades to keep a youth, attractiveness and good health. It is proved that modern humans are a fan of jade, much less likely to suffer from blood pressure spikes, neurosis or insomnia.

The use of jade in cosmetology

It also has in its arsenal jade stone properties of a cosmetic nature. Firstly, it is based on anti-aging facial and body massage. Secondly, masks and other treatments. The skin is tightened, literally begins to shine, wrinkles and laxity small decrease markedly.

Jade Stone - properties, magic and facts

Jade and magical rites

Power of this breed has always been for the people no doubt. Therefore, it is often associated with a number of mysterious rituals and customs. With it, the sage of the Ancient East was not difficult to determine the internal quality of a person. If he was dishonest and had a dark past, jade immediately lose the purity, it became cloudy. In China, recognized as a national stone. Amulets, which is composed of jade stone, the properties are the most advantageous. He became a symbol for those who aspire to self-knowledge and improvement. Insecure people will ring with jade, if you wear it constantly.

Jade Stone - properties, magic and facts

Jade and love

Ironically this gem for lovers is not considered the most successful. It is believed that he is able to completely strip and will turn on its own. It can prevent and sincerely loving hearts understand each other. Jade - the stone of strength and power. To some extent this power over himself and changeable circumstances. At the same time many people used it as a decorative element in the manufacture of weapons: swords, daggers, axes, pistols.