How to draw arrows on the eyelids

This eye make-up element such as Arrows, has long won the love and popularity among the fair sex. It would seem that little bar, but he is able to work miracles. Small eyes grow in size and become more expressive and attract male attention. To learn how to draw arrows, and we'll talk.

Tools for make-up

Good makeup starts with a high-quality cosmetics. Well prorisovyvanie arrows and even impossible without the right tools. What to choose in a huge range of resources offered? Consider the basic arrangements for eyeliner.

How to draw arrows on the eyelids


This is the best tool for the novice. Use a pencil obtained clear lines even laymen. Remember a few recommendations how to draw arrows pencil. First select a good tool: the pencil should not be too soft and well-sharpened. Next Sit back in front of the mirror and start to create. Just keep in mind that the pencil lines are short-lived, so they recommend further consolidate the shadows.


It is a jar with a brush and liquid pigment. This is a rather awkward way for beginners. Choose a liner with a perfect brush is very difficult, and draw the clear line is far from the first time. Plus liner in its durability. Liquid Pencil

Otherwise, it is called a felt pen for visual similarity. Work it is easier than the liner, but more difficult than the usual pencil. In addition, the lines are thick in most cases.


In this way, frequently used by professional make-up artists. You will need proof dark shadows and flat brush with a beveled edge. A slightly feathered arrows. It is also a good option for beginners as small flaws are not too conspicuous.

A few tips from professionals how to draw arrows

  1. is positioned in front of the mirror is strictly straight. Angle side can significantly affect the perception of the lines.
  2. The easiest way to carry out the first line at the base of cilia, and then take her to the side.
  3. Do not draw on the weight, it is better to get a foothold hands to safely rely on.
  4. The dark shadows in between the lashes to help cover future minor flaws.

How to draw arrows or eyeliner pencil

To get started, apply on the eyelids and the foundation base for makeup. The next step is coating of the shadows. But on top of already drawn arrows. We'll talk more in detail about some of the nuances of eye makeup, depending on their shape.

visually make small eyes big

Start your arrows should be near the middle of the upper eyelid. Mentally draw the tangent perpendicular to the floor, to the iris. In place of its contact with the arrow begins to lead the line up, leaving a little beyond the outer corner of the eye.

How to draw arrows on the eyelids

How to draw arrows , if you have wide-set eyes

Spend a convincing line from one corner of the eye to the other. Too go in the direction the arrow should not be. The internal angle of the eye clearly drawn.

How to draw arrows on the eyelids

And if the eyes close together?

Arrow originates from the mid-century exterior. Move the line at the side of the temple, leaving a few millimeters beyond the outer corner of the eye. The arrow on the lower eyelid will not be superfluous.

How to draw arrows on the eyelids

How to draw arrows owners of round eyes

Give the almond-shaped eyes of help arrows traced from the mid-century and curl rushing to his head. Try to make a thin line at the cilia gradually thickening at its convergence with the outer corner of your eye.

If you have slanted eyes

How to draw arrows on the eyelids

Closer to the ideal shape of the eyes, you can draw a line around the age of thickening in the center. This little trick will help make eyes rounder. But take away the arrow to the temples is not necessary in this case.