How to hold chopsticks in accordance with the requirements of etiquette

The story of Chinese chopsticks

Let's go back a little while ago and know how and when they were invented. Chinese sticks appeared more than 2,500 years ago, and initially they were used only the emperor and some of his entourage. Only many years later they were used to eating ordinary citizens in everyday life. Every year the sticks are becoming increasingly popular, and gradually began to use them in Japan, Vietnam and Korea. Traditional Chinese sticks were made from bamboo and carried the name "kuaytszu". Outwardly, they looked like tweezers.

How to hold chopsticks in accordance with the requirements of etiquette

To date, most popular types are divided sticks which can be made from different materials. The most common is the tree, but you can find sticks made of metal, bone or plastic. The wood from which the rods are made, may be different, their treatment can also vary considerably. Chinese sticks can be lacquered, inlaid with various stones, with the application of a variety of patterns. Despite their appearance, it is important to know how to hold chopsticks. Only in this way you will be able to use them successfully. How to hold chopsticks

Conventionally sticks can be divided into upper and lower. Lower fixed in the brush so that always remains fixed. Moving only the upper stick, and with the help of her food pieces are captured and retained. If you still do not know how to use this attribute, then in this article you can learn how to hold chopsticks to eat comfortably.

How to hold chopsticks in accordance with the requirements of etiquette

In order to lower the wand remained motionless, it is placed in the recess between the index finger and thumb of his right hand, and is also based on bent ring finger. Outer wand must be parallel and disposed above the bottom 15 mm. There are two variants of holding the top stick, and everyone can choose for themselves more convenient. The first provides for the retention of the top sticks like a ballpoint pen, used for writing. In the second embodiment, the wand must be pressed down to the middle and index finger, which should be located at the same level. How to eat Chinese with chopsticks? Once you have sticks any of the methods mentioned above, the left hand is necessary to adjust their length such that upon contact they touch each other only tips. In order to reduce them, and grab a morsel of food, bend your index finger is enough. Using chopsticks during meal

How to hold chopsticks in accordance with the requirements of etiquette

In order to learn how to use chopsticks, you need to check the terms of etiquette. You need to know what food to impose on Chinese sticks is prohibited. If the food is in a common dish, can not be poking around in it, choosing a piece, which is more like it. If the wand touched the piece - it is necessary to eat. You can not stick chopsticks into the food. A pinching them in a fist gesture perceived as a threat. Now that you know how to hold chopsticks, how to use them. We hope you will enjoy from the initiation to the eastern culture.