Morning gymnastics for children and adults

Classes morning exercises useful for people of all ages. If you perform a small set of exercises before the start of each day, pretty soon you will notice a change not only external but also internal. Good spirits and positive mood after the gym provided. Charging can be done to your favorite song or in silence, but it is important to choose a load that is right for you.

Morning gymnastics for children and adults

Morning exercises. The task of the exercises

Charging is a set of simple exercises which are carried out after waking up. The main task that is morning exercise - it is immediate inclusion in the activities of the body. Due to charging increases vitality, normal work of all organs and muscles, sold spirits. Morning exercises performed in ventilated room or outdoors in clothing that does not hinder movement. It is important to observe the breathing rhythm and not overreach yourself. After charging, perform water treatments and drink a glass of water. Most importantly, remember that doing morning exercises, do not chase records and losing weight, so if you're tired after a gym or overtired, so complex you need to change and simplify.

Morning gymnastics for children and adults

Morning gymnastics and its species

  1. Health-charging, which includes standard stretching exercises. Such a complex is carried out in educational institutions of physical education classes in the fitness center before power loads. Compulsory exercises are squats, bending, stretching all the muscles of rotation, running on the spot. It is a subspecies of rhythmic gymnastics, performed under music.
  2. Hygienic applied in order to maintain and improve health, maintain at a stable high level performance and physical activity.
  3. to develop. This charge includes exercises that give the body a burst of energy and vigor.

Morning exercises for children

Morning gymnastics for children and adults

The kids as well as adults need to be charged after awakening. For infants up to one year useful massage and exercises to correct muscle development legs and arms. Older children under the supervision of my mother can do the exercises in a playful way. The main thing during morning physical activities to monitor the breathing and posture baby. The most effective exercises are outdoors. Morning exercises for children to be simple and fun. If you want to spend the charge for your child learn some songs and jokes that will attract baby's attention. Children under 3 years old with an adult will be able to perform the slopes in different directions, making the feet and hands of lunges, squats. Older children, aged 3 years, willingly doing exercises in the company, as they like to repeat the action for children on TV. At this age, many already know where the right and left, can jump and run well. Morning exercises for them - it is not only useful pastime, but also the opportunity to recharge your batteries, to start the day fun and exciting.