How to wear headscarves to school?

Few people know that the headscarf was originally tied solely to practical purposes - the girls wore them as simple hats. This accessory is well protects hair from harmful effects of wind, sun, dust and cold. In addition, the scarf looks more elegant than the caps and Panama. Its main advantage is the compactness. It can always put in a small bag and only get if necessary. At the present moment headscarves

How to wear headscarves to school?

surprise a lot of bright colors. Geometric patterns, floral prints, colored or plain - you can pick up accessories for each outfit.

As stylish wear headscarves?

There is a huge number of various ways to wear a beautiful shawl on her head. The main point here - to choose the way of wearing, in which you will be comfortable, and it will not spoil the hair. At the moment there are a lot of classic ways of tying this accessory. Consider the classic: a handkerchief folded in the shape of a triangle. Then throw him on the head so that the fold was strictly on the hairline. Cross our corners under the chin, and then tying behind the neck. It is rather comfortable and functional way. You can tie headscarves more loosely, as a kind of cape. And it is possible to tighten the accessory stronger still get

How to wear headscarves to school?

s cozy hat for a windy day or the cool of the evening.

How to Tie a beach headscarves?

The most popular way is a bandana, a pirate style. It handkerchief folded so as to obtain a strip width of five centimeters. It needs to be tied around the head, and then gather the ends back under the hair. If you tie them right above the forehead, you get a model in hippie style. At the same time tightening the side or front of the bundle, you get gypsy bandage. When planning to go to the beach, you can tie a turban. To do this, throw a triangle shawl on her head, then wrap around the ends of the long head, tying their neat little bundle. You need a small beautiful buckle for tying an accessory in the form of "eight". Fold the strip in a handkerchief, throwing it on the neck. In the buckle ends of the thread. Holding them, you need to pick up a handkerchief, tying the ends under the hair back.

How to wear headscarves to school?

stylists tips on how to wear a scarf on your head

To beautiful, gently and quickly tie a scarf, practice in front of a mirror. So you can choose the option that fits best for your appearance immediately. Beautiful headscarves in their incredibly wide range allow to choose the fabric and color, suitable for your outfit. Fashionistas all over the world are interested in the question of what is best to wear a headscarf. With him look great light summer dress, tunic and bathing attire, as well as business attire. One need only pick up the right way to his dressing. To walk along the coast in a sundress, a bathing suit or tunic, perfectly fit the various dressings and bandanas. Here, the main is easy. In this case, for a business suit that will suit the traditional method - choose a light chiffon scarf and Tie it loosely in the classical way.