Zirconia - the modern stone

Zirconium - a stone quite unique. A wide range of activities which it possesses, allowing its use in jewelry and therapeutic purposes. This stone can be the most varied shades. For example, zirconium color is red, yellow, green, orange, brown, blue, gold, black and even colorless. Color palette depends on the impurities which are part of the stone. This may be zinc, copper, calcium, titanium and other trace elements. Due to the variety of colors it can be confused with other more precious stones.

Magic properties

Zirconium - a stone that also has magical properties. If you wear it all the time, the researchers say, people will be perfectly happy, learn to recognize the different signs to find the answers to all the questions that it would be interested, and that previously he could not get an answer. Also, learn to love and appreciate the surrounding nature and respect the people around him.

Zirconia - the modern stone

In addition, zirconium bracelets are a good helper in any research and scientific papers. It is suitable for a person of any profession, nationality and with a completely different outlook points. To date, it can be called stone of concentration. Excellent talisman he will in forensic activities, where it can serve as a great help in exposing the deceptions and various scams. species:

1. Transparent view - has magical properties of the diamond, which contributes to think clearly, and also helps to increase the mental capacity of man. In some countries, there is a ritual, like kissing a stone, ritual may seem curious, but the allegations of experts, if it is then it will clear you are clean, but if turn black, then no.

2. Yellow view - helps to increase sexual energy, or even to attract the love of the man you love. Also zirconium - the stone that serves as an excellent antidepressant, does not allow zapudrivat man's head and is a good helper to achieve any business goals in business.

Zirconia - the modern stone

3. Orange view - ability of this color in the beauty that it gives to its owner, while helping to get rid of the feelings of fear and jealousy. You can take it with you on trips, as a protective amulet. If you store a stone in the house, it will protect it from theft. Most zirconium power take on a momentum, if it is framed in gold.

4. Red view - multiplies wealth and serves as a carrier of additional energy, which it gives to its owner. It is also a good pain reliever. 5. Brown view - is the stability and increase of capital.

6. Green View - used to attract money.

7. Blue view - an excellent assistant in matters of the heart.

medicinal properties

Zirconium - stone, which also has medicinal properties. It helps in treating many diseases. For example, he copes with depression, different types of neurasthenia, helps with constipation, intestinal atony. In addition, it improves the appetite and elevates mood.