Flat stomach in just 10 minutes a day

Every girl and woman dreams of a beautiful tummy, especially in the summer. Many wonder about how to make a flat tummy. The answer is quite simple. You will need to give yourself about 10 minutes daily. And in no time flat stomach starts to please you with its perfection.

Flat stomach in just 10 minutes a day

A flat stomach in 10 minutes a day - the reality

A flat stomach does not appear as a result of magic, you need to configure a serious daily work. Drill press must be turned into a part of their normal day, as the regularity of their performance is more important than the intensity. If you feel discomfort or severe pain, it is advisable to give it up during the execution of a particular exercise. Universal methods of how to make a flat stomach, does not exist, every girl you need to choose an individual set of exercises (based on their effectiveness). You will understand quickly enough, which of the following exercises are suitable for you (once proceed to the daily training). How to train?

The optimal time for training - morning. Do best on an empty stomach, but if you eat, you need to start classes no earlier than 3 hours. Each exercise should be repeated 20 times. If you have never played sports, you better start training all through the day, and only then gradually increase the load, doing daily and increasing the number of approaches. In the implementation of training in the first place, you must first give the load on the straight abdominal muscles (and only then to train obliques). Flat stomach will be fast enough if you follow all the instructions.

Flat stomach in just 10 minutes a day

A set of exercises

Flat stomach in just 10 minutes a day

To execute first exercise is necessary to lie down. Loins should be pressed to the floor with your legs at the same time bent at the knees. Hands should be wound up by the head and bent at the elbows. On the inhale of the blade and head off the floor, chin pointing to the ceiling. On the exhale, you must lie on your back and relax your muscles. Exercise should be done with a small amplitude, it is directed to the straight abdominal muscles. The second exercise is the same, only on inspiration, in addition to the blades and head, it is necessary to tear off the floor and the pelvis. The third exercise has the same initial position but is performed with a large amplitude. On the inhale you must pull the body from the surface on which lie, and raise him to his knees. You need to make sure that the exercise is carried out properly, smoothly. The fourth exercise includes lifting legs with a large amplitude. It can perform a lying or sitting. If you want to do the exercise sitting on a chair, you must firmly rest against the edge of his hands. Then you need to pull on a breath leg to the body, and as you exhale to return to its original position. The fifth exercise directed to the oblique abdominal muscles. In the sitting position necessary to perform torso turns alternately in one and the other side. Exercise should be performed slowly, steadily.