Strengthening hair at home

health certificate

The pride of any woman - brilliant well-groomed hair. This - the main evidence of its overall health. But why in our time, when beauty salons shop windows are filled with all sorts of shampoos, hair masks, conditioners and other means well-known brands, rarely see the real beauty of the hair? But in the old days, girls and women proudly wore lush braids (some they have to toe), laid them in elaborate hairstyles, using simple, mainly domestic, effective hair care. The ancient recipe has a lot of valuable advice. Modern women, who worry about dull, brittle, hair loss is likely to be interested in the ancient secrets of strong, brilliant, really healthy curls.

Strengthening hair at home

The necessary material

strengthening hair to start with reviewing your diet and evaluation of the gastrointestinal tract. It should be balanced nutrition, which include natural products with sufficient vitamin C (cabbage, grapefruit, orange, lemon, kiwi), vitamin B6 (buckwheat, rice, mackerel, tuna, sardine, beans, buckthorn, liver, garnet, garlic, horseradish, pepper, red peppers, chicken, nuts, especially cedar), cysteine ​​(found in protein foods: pork, chicken, salmon, eggs, milk, sunflower seeds, walnuts, corn, soybeans, brown rice, peas). Hair color depends on zinc, with a deficiency which they fade and even turn gray prematurely. Zinc rich cashew nut, plum, cherry, pear, apple, potatoes, beets and carrots, milk. Needs and other B vitamins It B5 - meaning it in carrots, oranges and bananas, mushrooms and figs, in fish: trout, salmon, halibut, herring. B9 - in yeast, again in rice and buckwheat, kidney and liver, egg yolk, melon, fish roe, hazelnuts. Vitamin B10 absorbed by the body in the gut, so you need to bring the body back to normal. And now for the grandmother's procedures.

Strengthening hair at home

The best hair masks

Using the available home remedies, make masks, wraps between the first and second washing the head. Hair Strengthening manner treats posechennye tips, it gives silkiness, obedience, softness and shine. Cosmetic product applied to the hair and intensively rubbed into the roots, then muffle head with a towel and kept warm in an hour.

oil mask

For brittle hair to heat oil - 2 tbsp. l. (Preferably almond or castor), spread on a wet head, starting from the roots, wrap hair, after 1 hour rinse thoroughly with oil. Or another recipe with oil for fine and dull hair: two tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice. The third recipe - with burdock oil, for unruly hair. The oil 1 tbsp. l. stir 1 crude yolk, pour 2 tbsp. l. lemon fresh juice, stir into gruel. The fourth mask is good for brittle dry hair: rub in 1 tbsp. l. oils of any vegetable, the best olive oil, a bag of neutral henna and one egg yolk. Procedure for the application of masks and holding time on the head is the same as in the first recipe.

Strengthening hair at home

Strengthen hair with hair loss

Boil until soft burdock roots, to wipe a slurry, mixed with a small piece of fresh butter and rub the mixture to shampooing for 2 hours. Decoction of burdock, you can rinse your head, rub into the roots - good stops hair loss. And it helps warm the bone marrow, which can be received by boiling large bones to jelly or broth. After washing the head, it should be rubbed into the hair roots. It should be held for several hours, then rinse. Strengthening of poorly growing hair

A glass of vodka, add thereto 1 yolk aloe gel (thick slurry) - enough tablespoon. To stir thoroughly. Apply to wet hair and keep a towel for half an hour. Rinse well.

Strengthening hair bow

Onions contain keratin - a necessary building material for hair. Doing onion masks every other day, after 30 such procedures, you will be able to enjoy his head. Onion mask is suitable for all hair types. To put it simply - rub onion juice into the hair roots for 2 hours before washing, to wrap her head. From the use of the bow dandruff disappears. Excellent help mask: onion juice, decoction of burdock root and brandy in a ratio of 4: 6: 1. Rinse with a decoction of birch leaves, spoloskivat clean water. Or - honey, castor oil, onion juice ottsezhenny take these components each tablespoon, one raw egg yolk. Mask do a week 2 times.