Basis under make-up - the secret of your perfection

Perhaps every girl knows that before applying makeup skin should be prepared: to clean and moisturize. This can be done using your favorite cream on the type of person, but there is a much more convenient solution - under makeup. She will do a lot more than regular cream: disguise fine lines and pimples, smooth out the irregularities of the skin, give a person the perfect tone. In short, it is a great "primer" before applying the finishing touch - a daily make-up, as well as increase its resistance. Basis under make-up - the secret of your perfection

What should be a good foundation?

What is the only basis for makeup today come across on the shelves! There are liquid and gel, and creamy. It is used by women, even with the perfect tone of a person, to say nothing of those who have to hide the flaws. Although the basis for makeup and concealer - it's not the same thing, but it can help to smooth out imperfections and even out skin tone. However, this requires that the funds shade perfectly matched to the natural color of the face.

Basis under make-up - the secret of your perfection

to choose the means for skin type

Now, on what foundation makeup will suit your skin type. Choose silicone if you want to face was so like a chrysalis. With her skin will be perfectly smooth and velvety in appearance, to get rid of pimples, red spots, flaking. It is better to use this tool, complete with icing, not the foundation. However, there is one "but" - if your skin is prone to fat content, it is necessary to abandon the silicone-based, because her makeup would not last long. Matting agent for a face cream has powdery consistency. Here it just works well with liquid creams. And one more important thing: such a framework is suitable not only for the whole person, but also for the delicate skin around the eyes. In its structure contains a matting agent, like talcum powder, which perfectly absorbs excess sebum and allows the makeup to stay until the evening. Basis under make-up - the secret of your perfection

For a person? No, for a century!

There is a special base for make-up for the thin and delicate skin eyelids. It works like a sponge, absorbing fat secreted by the sebaceous glands, so that the shadows do not roll down and stay all day. Many girls try this product, say that to him their makeup began to look brighter and more attractive. In addition, this is the perfect way to hide the bags under the eyes, signs of swelling and other unpleasant phenomena. However, special attention should be paid to the selection of the basics such as: if it is creamy-powdery consistency, pre worth moisturize the skin around the eyes with a special cream. Waxy under makeup fit in if the skin is not too oily, or its function will be useless against the increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

Basis under make-up - the secret of your perfection

The ideal color of

Few find the right consistency means is still needed and the optimal choice of color. Here you can give some advice: always choose a foundation in daylight and do not hesitate to experiment with probes. Apply a drop of money (it is best not on the face and around the neck), wait a few minutes until it adapts to the skin, and then evaluate the results. Finding your perfect foundation, you will be irresistible to any makeup!