Bark Hair oak: the secrets of our grandmothers ...

Homemade masks and balms, conditioners and shampoos - all borrowed from our great-grandmothers! What do you know about the use of oak bark for hair? Long ago, our ancestors discovered the healing properties of the body, which are transmitted from generation to generation. Bark Hair oak - this is a real source of health. This article will talk about the broth from it to help heal the hair and keep them in a healthy, beautiful state!

Bark Hair oak: the secrets of our grandmothers ...

Beauty Source

Surely many people know tanning agent and its use. It is because of this prized oak bark. Experts argue that in its composition also includes useful pectins, minerals, trace elements, protein substances, acids, sugars, pentosans, and starch. All of these substances are very useful for the human body, so it is highly prized in traditional medicine.

Bark Hair oak: the secrets of our grandmothers ...

The use of oak bark

Bark Hair oak is used to treat skin diseases under the hair, as well as for the prevention of oral diseases, hemorrhoids, indigestion ... But as a rule, it is most popularly known as an excellent remedy that is effective against hair loss. It is obvious that decoctions of her help to eliminate problems such as hair loss, weakness, split ends, dandruff, brittle, dry, excessive greasiness of the scalp. Due to the oak bark can strengthen hair and recreate its original appearance even after chemical interventions (coloring, perms, highlights). The use of oak bark hair is very simple and does not require special conditions and knowledge, so feel free to go to the nearest drugstore and buy this tool. Decoction can replace their balms, conditioners, at the same time to use it several times a week. The recipe 1

Bark Hair oak is the most popular, in fact helps to cure many problems. Thus, the use of broth helps prevent split ends, dry ends, dandruff and hair loss. To prepare a decoction useful, you need to stock up on the bark of oak, burdock root, heather, hops cones and root (can be applied and leaves) Nettle. Mix the dried herbs in equal amounts and mix. Pour them into a heat-resistant bowl and pour boiling water (two or three liters). Put on the fire and boil for about twenty minutes. After that, cover with a towel and leave to infuse. Now broth ready for use. Thus, treatment of hair loss from folk remedies will be very effective.

Bark Hair oak: the secrets of our grandmothers ...

Recipe 2

for the treatment of hair that are prone to fat - rather complicated procedure, but thanks to the oak bark can improve their condition and regain the beauty and shine of hair. To prepare the broth should be taken four tablespoons of oak bark and two teaspoons of sweet flag root. Mix them and pour boiling water (one liter of water will be enough). Next to simmer the broth boil for about fifteen minutes. Strain, cool to room temperature and safely use instead of the rinse aid. In order to completely heal hair, you should use the broth several times a week for two months. Now, the desired effect will be noticeable. 3 Recipe

For the overall strengthening of the head of hair, mix the leaves of nettle, chamomile, oak bark, and sweet flag root in flat proportions, and then pour it all boiling water. Leave the mixture on low heat for five minutes prierno. After Decant and rinse once a week after shampooing. Thoroughly rub the lotion into the hair roots and do not rinse. Remember that oak bark is very useful for hair and no less effective than expensive salon treatments and masks.