Instructions for the education of successful entrepreneurs
At the request of the Foundation of the Internet Initiatives (FRII) mother's well-known Internet entrepreneurs talked about their rules of parenting and remembered stories of childhood their sons and daughters. Study participants agreed that it is important not to impose stereotypes to children and provide them with the freedom to choose - if they grow up with successful people. And if they want to become entrepreneurs.
Lucy L., mother of Leo Volozh, head of commercial services group "Yandex"
Tips on education: There is a formula: the sum of the efforts of teachers, parents and students is a constant. Naturally, I tried to give their child the best, but I believe that for children it is not necessary to perform something, they have to deal with their own affairs. I also believe that the consequences of acts of the children have to cope themselves. Loew is very much like a dog, and in the 12 years we were finally allowed him to have a pet. I immediately explained Levet, that responsibility will lie on it, and, indeed, he had her feed, walk, drove to the vet, I just refused to do it. And not because it was difficult for me, I wanted to Leo felt the burden of responsibility.
And in general, I believe that children need to play more, to push less, and even better to have a few children to not pester everyone and give everyone the opportunity to quietly develop.
Useful feature: As a child, Leo was a versatile kid - go to a variety of clubs, playing chess, badminton, drawing, music, English. For a while he was in math class, but I can not say I've seen it in the future related to the technical and engineering specialties, IT, and on the Internet, no one thought at a time.
Mom Online: I am actively use Facebook, Skype and, of course, "Yandex. Taxi ", who oversees Leo. Leo himself, we do not really talks about the work. I do not remember that he shared with us the news about new options in the "Yandex. Taxi ", which he does.
Tatiana, mother of Dmitry Malov, COO "Rambler"
The Board of Education: To the child grew successful, it needs to be pampered attention, love and toys. When Mitya was born, we were students of his father, and all the money only let down at his son, and my sister resented such extravagance. We had a lot of friends, they often come to visit, and it turned out that Dima since childhood was surrounded by extraordinary and intelligent people, I think it played a role. I believe that there is nothing that broadens the mind, like traveling, and we always took Dima in all trip, and did not leave with the grandparents. As a result, he was in 10th grade went to Alaska for six months for school exchanges.
Useful feature: Dima was very focused child. I was always busy with something. The best way to take him out in the first years of life have given in the hands of crayons and paper. Together with the paper to paint all around, then the markers are not water-soluble, and we lived in a "painted" the walls, but the child is 9-10 months creating paintings. Then love for drawing was replaced by love of reading: in our family decided to read a lot. Dima was so thoughtful, so seriously complicated fortification erected in the sandbox, that the boys in the yard called him respectfully, "Professor." They knocked on the door and asked me: "A professor will take a walk?" Dmitri studied at the Art School, for some time even wanted to become an architect. But then, in high school, it's passion for programming - and that it was his main occupation in life.
Mom Online: On the life of Dmitry, I now no longer recognize most of his publications in the "Learn", where he talks about travel, writing stories and share photos. I must confess: in Internet technologies I probably makers.
Solomonovna Alexandra, Alexei Ametova mother, co-founder of Look At Media
The Board of Education: "We never said the child" no ", believing that he should try everything, so, by the way, Alex tried various circles. However, I do not want to see his son, a journalist and still worried that he chose such a path. It seemed to me that a man should be the breadwinner in the family, to stand firmly on their feet, and it is unlikely such a risky and difficult profession, as a journalist, could have given such an opportunity.
I doubt that our child needs to keep pace with the times, we did not. The first computer in the family, as I recall, came when Alex was in the seventh grade. I am a teacher, my husband - a doctor, so the new expensive computer we could not afford, and decided to buy a used, according to the announcement. We scraped together the necessary sum of "tens", "five" and very small change, money kindled in Lesha's room on the floor - that's how I remember this picture: he was sitting on the carpet and counts the bills and coins ...
Mom Online: Now with Lesha we are all very active Internet users. Even my 85-year-old mother. I registered in the most popular social networks - to know what my child to any conference goes, what says what he lives. Friends-peers, not too active Internet users often ask: "What are you, and Instagram have ?!", and I say that when the son works in the Internet field, this is not surprising.
Sartan Galina, Anastasia Sartan mom, CEO and founder of TrendsBrands and Grintern
The Board of Education: I have always paid much attention to the development of independence and responsibility of Nastia. Therefore, we have always believed: if Nastia something resolved, then it is responsible for their own actions and their consequences. And when she told me about opening their own business, I did not think it discouraged. I trust her completely. In its very first showroom, I often went herself, and still dressed Nastia. When Nastya grew, I worked in a company linked to psychological trainings. I'm fond of all the new technology often took Nastya on-site conferences and seminars. Frankly, I wanted to daughter went in my footsteps. Nastya grew up in an atmosphere of serious, spun in a circle formed by the erudite adults and their children, she loved to read - especially art books in our home library.
Useful feature: Nastia always knew what she wanted, and she had already decided three years what to do or wear. In the garden, it has become a champion of justice and has always defended the rights of fellow students, the same continued in school.
Nastya was still restless inventor - in our house had a large library, and every night my daughter and I searched for books and albums, and after I told stories about princesses, but the final Nastya always inventing itself, and ending each time was different.
Mom Online: I'm an active user of Facebook and watch the operation of the present, especially for the project Grintern, where Nastya on the board. This is a service for finding internships and trainees and I myself many times picked up their interns with it.
Marina V., mother of Andrei Zaitsev-Zotov, co-founder of the service Bookmate
on education Tip: We have always been convinced that we should not plan for the future of the child - do not need to decide for the human. He will grow up and will choose who wants to be in life. But, of course, could not affect that Andrew grew up in a family of physicists and engineers. It's funny that his grandmother, as an electronics engineer, participated in the creation of the first domestic semiconductor computer called "Spring". And all my life I was engaged in the processing of data on a computer, including working at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP is now part of the NRC "Kurchatov Institute"). Useful feature: Perhaps the programming and design is similar to each other. And the designers were Andrew favorite toys. Of course, the model planes and ships he gathered, but the designer - this is a special thing, he gives vent to imagination, because it offers a lot of different solutions. But not everything that comes to mind, can be collected from children's designer in real life. But the virtual world - is another matter ... We can say that the character of Andrew and remains the desire to create a meaningful structure of a meaningless set of disparate elements. And to some extent it is possible to realize.
Mom Online: I enjoy reading books through Bookmate and share your movies on Boldkit, and even from Andryusha travel movies look the same. All this virtual world of wonderful addition to our reality. Well, we, like all parents, always waiting for the real Andrew will be in Moscow and at home, and I am preparing for this moment very real apple pie and his favorite cheesecakes.
Fania Abdulhaevna, Mother Camille Kurmakaeva, co-founder Wikimart
The Board of Education: Camille was the youngest child in the family, it is much younger than his two brothers: one - for 18 years, the other - on the 15. So it has always been an example of proper behavior - ourselves, parents and siblings. And I was very pleased when, having arrived to stay home in their first university vacations from Moscow, asked the sisters "to feel free?" Kamil said he always mentally evaluated their actions and deeds of others, presenting, as it were, they appreciated us, the parents.
Useful feature: He was very persistent, focused child. I think I paid his education is not much time - we worked six days a week and one day off had to spend the accumulated household chores. But the family, with his father and brothers, Camille was not alone. Perhaps, in this situation, he grew so responsible. He always gets the job done. In any boyish fun of his comrades could quickly "cool" and quit this or that occupation, and Camille went on to do something alone. Most of our family members - physicists. I myself a physicist, like my husband, my brother - a biophysicist and his sister - an astrophysicist. Therefore not surprising that Camille school were excellent all the sciences, especially mathematics, chemistry and physics. So what we have long thought that Camille will follow our footsteps and also become a physicist. But it happened otherwise.
Mom Online: The first time Camille started the project and told me about the Internet, I did not understand that. I read a lot about Internet technology, read his first interview and write out unknown words, and then to ask Camille about their meaning. He patiently explained everything, so next I have focused our conversation better. It turned out, it was akin to the concepts in mathematics: The concept, for instance, variable, and from then on this is clear.
Ludmila, Paul Cherkashina mom, a partner of venture fund Vestor.IN Partners
The Board of Education: A child should not do things that could not do ourselves. You do not need to raise a person transferring their career ambitions for him. It's just not fair to the child. I never impose the son of his views on his future, I would like him to be himself. To him life was easy, like to communicate with different people, doing things you love. Therefore, for example, I did not prevent Paul recorded at various circles and sections, and if you do not like it, throw them. I'd rather people give up on something in childhood or adolescence, than when he becomes an adult.
Useful feature: I think, in what is now engaged in Paul, he really helps his ability to communicate and organizational skills. For example, a child Pasha had to run in the morning on the dairy kitchen at the other end of Moscow - for milk, yogurt and cottage cheese for his younger brother. The children's domestic amusements was he who used to take over the division of responsibilities peers, preparing for something important. I remember, for example, sitting in the courtyard of the boys: "Let's launch a rocket!". Pasha says: "So, it's Tuesday - start on Saturday assign. You kleish case, and we planed matches for fuel. " Well, of course I heard this conversation already told her husband that on Saturday need to be on guard. The school Pasha became interested in tourism - and also took on the organizational responsibilities: to calculate how much food to take to the road, a route. In campaigns, he was always ready to make a decision in unexpected situations. Mom Online: I'm not very well imagine the high technology, works with Paul. Of course, he shares with me the news about their projects, but never talks about the troubles. The rhythm of life of young people today is so high that even if I understand his problem, I can offer some solution - a few days or a week, Paul simply did not understand what I'm saying, because it is with this difficulty have already figured out. So now I do not bother son advice, for me is still the most important thing to keep it himself.
Rimma Zagitovna, mom Ainura Abdulnasyrova founder LinguaLeo
on education Tip: I was lucky, because everything to what I wanted to teach Ainura, he was thrust in itself. Since childhood, of course, we brought it up: no smoking, no drinking, no bullies, no one to insult, to respect others and love to work. And then teach something specific is not necessary.
Useful feature: Link to learn he was a child. Preschooler, I remember him always with a book in his hands. We're going somewhere in the car - he reads. He sits down to dinner with the book too. Leadership qualities were somehow immediately visible in it. His ability to communicate with people, the ability to organize their work helped him always. For example, every summer in the middle and high school, he went to summer camp (given vouchers as a boy with excellent results) - he always loved to organize concerts, he was summoned to speak with a guitar. In class he was loved and students, and teachers, he was always the first. In my first year in the School of Economics, he became warden is, of course, require a lot of time - especially for the freshmen who had to settle in Moscow, to succeed in their studies and even to look for work. But he coped.
Mom Online: I'm not too interested in technology, but has become an active user of the tablet. However, it helps me to learn not Aynur and grandson. Grandson teaches English through the application, invented by Aynur - fed lion. Well, I spied.
Natalia L., Dmitry Stepanenko mother, founder of Hot WiFi
on education Tip: When bringing up your child I have been following points are important: my specialty (I pediatric neurologist and hopefully versed in child psychology), the experience of education in my family and intuition. I always wanted to have my son grew up a self-sufficient, competent, cultured man. I started talking with her son before he was born, continued after his birth, and keep talking until now. I try to support all his initiatives, to pay attention to all his interests, hobbies, and now the creative ideas and, most importantly, do not interfere. Let mistaken, falls, rests on a dead end, but then gets up and finds its way, becoming more and more experience.
Useful feature: Dima was an active child - went to a variety of clubs, find different classes. And I worried for a long time: what if he chooses the road in life, where to go? And until then, until he took the documents in the MAI, the specialty "comprehensive protection of information objects" (Faculty of aircraft electronics), I did not know who he is. One thing I know for sure my son organizational talent, which, as I now understand, and helped him in his development of the company.
When he finished high school, I decided to do something to help him with employment. But the son stopped me and said: "Mom, I want to do his own thing." For me, it is, of course, it was unexpected. I myself doctor, as grandmother and aunt but-power of his father and grandfather and mathematics, we are all accustomed to a stable salary, and I thought that would go right for Dima for obvious way - to get one of the companies and getting paid twice per month - and an advance salary, have a package of social guarantees. On the other hand, I thought, at the end of high school Dima was only 21 years, and return to the beaten track it is always able to. So a family council it was decided to support him in all his undertakings. Mom Online: Dima shares with us all the creative ideas, so I'm always one of the first "testers" of new ideas.