Exercise bike: the benefits and harms

Why is the exercise bike so popular? The benefits of training on it's huge. Bicycle - it is both a great cardio. It increases endurance, develops breathing and strengthens the cardiovascular system, promotes additional muscle oxygen saturation.

Exercise bike: the benefits and harms

Exercise Bike, the use of which lies in its character-season, can be used even in the winter, in contrast to a conventional bicycle. Loads and health benefits in both cases are the same, but the simulator is more convenient, because it is always on hand for lessons do not even need to go out. Another plus - the ability to control the load with the help of devices, which are equipped.

What is the use of an exercise bike?

Huge. This sports equipment is the most beneficial to health. He can not only keep fit, but also the overall tone of the body. Important! Do not engage in any infectious diseases. Contraindicated exercises for people suffering from heart failure, asthma, diabetes and oncology. When hypertension is about loads it is necessary to consult with your doctor. How to do it?

Exercise bike: the benefits and harms
  • Start training you need to warm up the muscles.
  • Work needed 2 hours after awakening (morning) and 2 hours before sleep (night).
  • Control pulse. It is calculated according to the formula 220-your age. If you are 26 years old, is 220-26 = 194 hit (not more).
  • The duration of exercise - at least 20 minutes to do - at least 3 times a week.
  • It is not recommended to drink during class.
  • need to breathe deeply and evenly nose.

What else can an exercise bike?

The benefits of training is available if you want to lose weight. Bicycle occupies the 2 nd place among the most effective exercises for weight loss (on the 1st - climbing stairs). Pedal can even be watching television at home, without wasting time in vain. It is much more useful than sitting on the couch. What are the benefits and harms of the bike? The benefits have already been said. As for the negative aspects, they can be avoided if the work on the simulator according to the rules, without neglecting the manufacturer's recommendations and their manager (if necessary - a doctor). Types of simulators

Exercise bike: the benefits and harms

According to the technical features of exercise bikes are divided into 3 types. How to choose a bike? The benefit of these is about the same. The difference - in the measurement capabilities and the level of comfort classes.

  1. Mechanical - the most simple. Have a belt system load, easy to repair and the cheapest. The downside of such a bicycle is the noise that appears when the belt rubbing on the flywheel.
  2. Magnetic based on a magnetic system load (braking). As a rule, they are equipped with a monitor with the ability to control the state of man: heart rate, calorie consumption, speed of rotation of the pedals. This is the most modern fitness equipment.
  3. cycle ergometer - a conventional mechanical or magnetic Exercises, but with a more professional interface required for targeted training with a precise load control and readings of measured values.