Elegant hairstyles for last call

School years pass quickly, like a star falling to earth like gold leaf, carried away by the wind, as if in a whirlwind of snowflakes snowstorm. It just seems that the time drags endlessly, turning into a series of boring lessons and fleeting changes. The last bell sounded unexpectedly, forcing anxious oknut heart: "Already?"

Before selecting

Elegant hairstyles for last call

However, to experience a bit early. After all, in front line to mark the end of the school year in which each yesterday schoolgirl necessarily want to show off to her friends and teachers remember a very special, beautiful, unique. And because the hairstyles for the last call - troublesome, is the fruit of intense creative imagination and hairdressing skills.

Options hairstyles

What can select graduate, making her sweet head in a masterpiece? It all depends on the length and texture of hair, their type, face shape most girls. Those who have short haircuts, will have to settle for a stylish stacking and decorations in the form of collars, pins, invisible with attachments. Of course, with their help, too, can make interesting hairstyles for the last call. But holders of medium length hair and a long, sure to be a winning situation. Because schoolgirls Council that a year flutter from the walls of the educational institution: patient and grow a hair! And now the hairstyles!

Elegant hairstyles for last call
  • The good old tradition of knit lush white bows out of fashion with the departure into the past of the Soviet Union. Gradually, however, in our everyday life returned to school uniforms and fancy aprons on special occasions, and with them the tape, used to make intricate bows-flowers. Woven into braids or pinned to the tail, they could not be more suited to the way the hairstyles of the last call. After all, this seems all yesterday's pupil!
  • I do not want to turn his head in a sort of rosary? Do not! You can braid the original Greek braid along the lines of the forehead and secured to the main mass of hair, delicately laying chelochkoy (if available). Or raise the hair in a ponytail, having wound strands hair dryer or curlers. And you can decorate the narrow ribbons, barrettes and other accessories. This is also a great option hairstyles with bows on the last call.
  • And, of course, a variety of "spikes", "dragon", "nodes", ringlets cascading waterfall. Spit two- and trohpryadki also not be discounted. After all, they can be put around the crown of the head, "up" over the ears, sticking pins in her hair with flowers. Such hairstyle at last call will please many girls will be perfectly in harmony with the solemnity of the moment.
  • A very original look bows and bows made of natural hair. They fit great, and to easy dress, and school uniform. Curls, decorated with such a bow, can be a real hit line. All hairstyles for the last call must be chosen depending on the style of dress, shape, type faces. Elegant hairstyles for last call

And a few more words

It is important to consider the choice of hairstyles seriously. If you decide to deal with it yourself - experiment, choose what you really to face. Type in hand, learn to make a favorite option to perfection. And be fabulously beautiful at its last line in the school of life!