Horrific medical tools of the past

Stem cell research, printed in 3D bodies and genetically modified viruses - we live in a world that our ancestors could not even imagine. We have forgotten to what monstrous proportions swelled little, at present, the problem, before the invention of anesthesia. Yes, and the type of medical instruments themselves could come to dread:


Horrific medical tools of the past

In essence, this is a chain saw, but it is only intended for the cutting of trees is not. Initially, this tool, invented by Bernhard Heine about 1830, was used in trepanation, and later it began to use different variations of amputation of limbs and even dental surgery.

The tool for stretching the urethra

Horrific medical tools of the past

When the urethra is narrowed so that the patient, a man could not write properly, doctors have resorted to the help of this tool. He was introduced into the urethra through the penis to the tip of the problem areas.

Then the screw was rotated on the handle to separate the two channel element and extend as far as possible, often tearing the tissue. And pouring out the blood it was regarded as a good sign.

The simulator for dentists

Horrific medical tools of the past

This aluminum design was used in 1930 for the training of future dentists. Apparently, it was on top of a rubber coating that mimics the human head, but it was lost. In such simulators are usually inserted teeth torn from cadavers.

Incubators for lice

Horrific medical tools of the past

This is not a medical instrument, but we have included this piece in our list, since it has helped to create a vaccine and save many lives.

During the wars of diseases claim more lives than actual fighting. Typhus epidemic could mow the whole army, not to mention the poor urban areas where large numbers of people huddled in small rooms and unsanitary conditions prevailed.

The disease is transferred lice, from which there was no escape until the 20-ies of the last century, when Professor Rudolf Wagle invented a method of obtaining an effective vaccine. Lice are specially grown, feeding on the blood of people who were called the "breadwinners" - for this cell parasites were attached to the legs or hips. Adult lice infested, then cut and created a vaccine.

Guillotine for tonsils

Horrific medical tools of the past

Before the advent of any antibiotics, the most innocent in our opinion the infection could lead to tragic consequences. In order to cure tonsillitis and avoid associated complications such as peritonsillar abscess (or purulent tonsillitis), and it was invented by this device.

Dr. amygdala pierced with a fork and cut a blade of the guillotine. This device proved a great relief for doctors, because before they were forced to go into the patient's mouth with your fingers, and often suffered from bites.

Hemorrhoids tongs

Horrific medical tools of the past

The most popular method of hemorrhoid treatment was the removal of the damaged areas. This tool is gripped external hemorrhoid to stop the blood flow. Damaged tissue as a result were white and die. Internal hemorrhoids first angling using special hooks, and then either burned or cut with scissors.


Horrific medical tools of the past

bladder stones have always been a common problem, especially among poor families, in the diet which included insufficient protein.

In such cases, doctors usually do perineal incision to reach the bladder. And then comes the turn of lithotomy. The instrument was equipped with two contiguous blades that appeared at the right moment of the guiding sheath, and expand an incision of the bladder base. The surgeon then take forceps and tried to pull out stones that felt when viewing through the rectum wall.

Not wanting to prolong the torment of their patients in the pre-anasteziynuyu era, doctors tried to keep within five minutes.

Loop to remove tissue

Horrific medical tools of the past

For removal of hemorrhoids and other tumors - tumors, polyps, cysts, etc., used here is such a tool. Sometimes at the end of the loop was equipped with sharp teeth, sometimes it was an ordinary wire, the main purpose of which was not so much to cut, how to block the blood flow. Once the loop is provided on the basis of tumors, the doctor began to tighten the screw, tightening it all the more. Similar tools use veterinarians for castration of cattle.

Dental key

Horrific medical tools of the past

Since the oral hygiene was at the most primitive level, and the true causes of tooth decay and gum disease people have a vague idea, a toothache tormented our ancestors often. Hoping to somehow relieve it, fled to the doctor, or, at worst, a local barber.

Prior to the invention in the early 18th century key tooth, tooth extraction took place using brute force. And if during the operation the tooth was broken, the doctor removed together with a piece of root gums using a bone chisel.

Dental key allows you to capture and hold down the aching tooth, and then, shaking and twisting, pull it out of the gums - all, of course, without anesthesia. It is no wonder that people have tried to endure the toothache to the last.